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Ossip Zadkine

Ossip Zadkine (July 14, 1890 - November 25, 1967) was a Russian Jewish sculptor and artist.Born in Vitebsk, Belarus, then Russian Empire, of Jewish and Scottish extraction, Zadkine is primarily knownas

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Ossip Zadkine

Ossip Zadkine

Слайд 2Ossip Zadkine (July 14, 1890 - November 25, 1967) was

a Russian Jewish sculptor and artist.
Born in Vitebsk, Belarus, then

Russian Empire, of Jewish and Scottish extraction, Zadkine is primarily known
as a sculptor but also produced paintings, drawings and graphical works.

Ossip Zadkine (July 14, 1890 - November 25, 1967) was a Russian Jewish sculptor and artist.Born in

Слайд 3Zadkine's contribution to modern sculpture spans a period of more

than a half century.
It constitutes one of the highlights

of contemporary art, embodying its spirit of independence, adventure, and fertile restlessness.
Its dominant features are nervous tension carried to its extreme, great daring, poignancy and a
monumental style.
Zadkine's contribution to modern sculpture spans a period of more than a half century. It constitutes one

Слайд 4Femme debout 1922
Le cerf 1923


Femme debout 1922Le cerf 1923Sculpture

Слайд 5 Works on paper
Le joueur de guitare
Quatre personnages dans un village

Works on paperLe joueur de guitare1920Quatre personnages dans un village1921

Слайд 6Graphical works
Le rêve
La conversation

Graphical worksLe rêve1955La conversation1955

Слайд 7His best-known work is the sculpture "The Destroyed City" (1953),

a memorial to the destruction of the center of the Dutch

city Rotterdam by the Germans in 1940.
His best-known work is the sculpture

Слайд 8Zadkine, whose immense formal and poetic contribution is indisputable, grants

that an as a mode of human activity, transcends the

notion of progress. As an artist, he resolutely looks to the future, yet assumes the burden of history.
Zadkine, whose immense formal and poetic contribution is indisputable, grants that an as a mode of human

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