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Places of interest in London

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Places of interest in London

Places of interest in London

Слайд 2The Houses of Parliament

1859y 31st of March
The Houses of Parliament

Слайд 3The Tower of London in 1097y

The Tower of London in 1097y

Слайд 4 Hyde Park - 1828y in April

Hyde Park - 1828y in April

Слайд 5The Natural Museum

The Natural Museum

Слайд 6Building |ˈbɪldɪŋ| - ғимарат
Museum |mjuˈziːəm| -мұражай

|ˈtaʊər| - мұнара
Natural museum |ˈnætʃrəl| |mjuˈziːəm| - табиғи

Huge |hjuːdʒ| - үлкен
Gift shop |ɡɪft| |ʃɑːp| - сыйлықтар дүкені
Hunting forest |ˈhʌntɪŋ| |ˈfɔːrɪst| - аң аулайтын орман
Royal |ˈrɔɪəl| -керемет

Building  |ˈbɪldɪŋ| - ғимарат Museum  |mjuˈziːəm| -мұражайTower    |ˈtaʊər| - мұнараNatural museum |ˈnætʃrəl|

Слайд 7 Hyde Park is a large park. It was

once a royal hunting forest.
The Houses of

Parliament is a beautiful building. There is the famous clock Tower, Big Ben.
The Tower of London is an old building in London. It’s a museum today. There is a gift shop.
The Natural Museum is a large museum. There is a huge collection of animals. There is a gift shop and a book shop.

Places of interest in London

Hyde Park is a large park. It was once a royal hunting forest.  The

Слайд 8Answer the questions
1. Where is the Natural Museum?
2. What is

there in the Natural Museum?
3. What is there Tower of

London ?
4. Where is Big Ben?
5. Where is a huge collection of animals and plants?
Answer the questions1. Where is the Natural Museum?2. What is there in the Natural Museum?3. What is

Слайд 9Make a dialogue
-Do you want to visit London?
- …………………………………..
-What places

of interest of London do you want to visit?
- …………………………..............

Make a dialogue-Do you want to visit London?- …………………………………..-What places of interest of London do you want

Слайд 10What is …… like?
What is

is like

What is like?
is like .
What is like?
is like .

What is …… like?What is      like?     is like

Слайд 11Home task
Ex. 10 p. 183 write about the places of

interest in Aktobe.

Home taskEx. 10 p. 183 write about the places of interest in Aktobe.

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