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Scotland the beautiful 6 класс

Scotland is a part of the United Kingdom Scotland is a country in the United Kingdom situated to the north of England.

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Слайд 1SCOTLAND the beautiful

Made by Tagir Akhmetshin
School № 161 form 6 “A”
SCOTLAND the beautiful

Слайд 2Scotland is a part of the United Kingdom

is a country in the United Kingdom situated to the

north of England.
Scotland is a part of the United Kingdom  Scotland is a country in the United Kingdom

Слайд 3Symbol

Its symbol is a thistle and its patron

is St. Andrew.
Symbol           Patron  Its symbol is a

Слайд 4St.Andrew’s rood and the cross symbol on the Scotland’s flag

history of St. Andrew is closely connected with Scotland’s flag.

Andrew was crucifixed on the rood that looked like a letter X. Later this cross was represented on the flag of Scotland.
St.Andrew’s rood  and  the cross symbol on the Scotland’s flagThe history of St. Andrew is





Слайд 6
Glasgow is the largest and busiest town in Scotland.

Most of industry, business and trade are concentrated in Glasgow.

Glasgow is the largest and busiest town in Scotland. Most of industry, business and

Слайд 7 Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland
Edinburgh absolutely

differs from Glasgow. It is the capital of Scotland. Edinburgh

is an ancient city, which has a great past. The city is rather cold and attractive.
Edinburgh is the capital of ScotlandEdinburgh absolutely differs from Glasgow. It is the capital

Слайд 8Edinburgh is known as the Athens of the north. Edinburgh

mixes old and new cultures, technologies and places of interest.

Edinburgh is known as the Athens of the north. Edinburgh mixes old and new cultures, technologies and

Слайд 9The old town
The most interesting parts of the city are

the Old Town and the New Town. The Old Town

lies between the Castle and Holyrood Palace.
The old townThe most interesting parts of the city are the Old Town and the New Town.

Слайд 10The Castle
The Old Town begins with the Castle. The Castle

hangs over the city like some Disney cartoon. But it

is real. In fact, it is older than the city. It is a historical fortress which is situated on the Castle Rock. It is a fireless volcano which was active nearly 350 million years ago. Archaeologists have established that the earliest human occupation on this rock appeared in the 2nd century AD. There is the oldest building of Edinburgh situated on The Castle’s territory. It is called St. Margaret’s Chapel.
The CastleThe Old Town begins with the Castle. The Castle hangs over the city like some Disney

Слайд 11The fourth side of the Castle called the esplanade
Three sides

of the fortress were defended by sheer rocks and the

way to the castle was restricted by steep road on the fourth eastern side. The long and empty place called esplanade is used now days in the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo.

The fourth side of the Castle  called the esplanadeThree sides of the fortress were defended by

Слайд 12 The Edinburgh military tattoo
The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo

is the parade of military orchestras. It takes place every

August and September.
The Edinburgh military tattooThe Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo is the parade of military orchestras. It

Слайд 13 The Royal Mile
A line of streets, which runs from

the Castle to the Holyrood house is called the Royal

Mile. The Royal Mile is a succession of streets forming the main vibrant street of the Old Town.
The Royal MileA line of streets, which runs from the Castle to the Holyrood house is

Слайд 14The Cannongate
The most picturesque part of the Royal Mile is

the Cannongate. It gives us a good idea of what

the Old Town was like. Narrow passages lead to little yards and attractive historical buildings.
The CannongateThe most picturesque part of the Royal Mile is the Cannongate. It gives us a good

Слайд 15 The Holyrood House
Holyrood House is situated at the

end of the Royal Mile. It is a big Royal

palace which is the residence of the Queen when she is in Edinburgh.

The Holyrood HouseHolyrood House is situated at the end of the Royal Mile. It is

Слайд 16The monument to a dog
One of the most modest

and yet one of the best known monuments in Edinburgh

is a monument to the dog called Bobby. The dog belonged to John Gray. When he died, Bobby lived near his grave for 26 years. Later Bobby was buried near his master, and his statue in the Old Town has become a symbol of devotion.
The monument to a dog One of the most modest and yet one of the best known

Слайд 17The New Town
The New Town contrasts to the Old Town

with its white and beautiful streets lined with trees, full

of parks, gardens and shopping centers.
The New TownThe New Town contrasts to the Old Town with its white and beautiful streets lined

Слайд 18 The Princes Street and the Scott monument
Princes Street lies

between The New Town and The Old Town. It is

the most beautiful street of the New Town. It has got a lot of gardens on one side and it’s also Edinburgh’s popular shopping center. Princes Street is connected with the name of the famous writer, Sir Walter Scott. A monument 200 feet rises among green streets. They call it a poem of stone. It is the Scott Monument. There is a marble statue of the writer and his favorite dog inside of it.
The Princes Street  and  the Scott monumentPrinces Street lies between The New Town and

Слайд 19 So, that’s all I wanted to tell

you about this beautiful and amazing country and its

places of interest.
Thank you for your attention.

Афанасьева О. В., Михеева И. В. English 6. Student's book. Part 2. unit 13, ex. 25

So, that’s all I wanted to tell you  about this beautiful and amazing

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