Разделы презентаций

Праздники в Британии и России

GreatBritain Russia

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 3Great

GreatBritain Russia

Слайд 4Holidays in Britain and Russia

Holidays in Britain and Russia

Слайд 5Read the poems!
We are glad and very gay
We all dance

and sing and say:
“Merry, merry Christmas Day!”
This is the season

children ski
And old Father Frost
Brings the New Year Tree
Read the poems!We are glad and very gayWe all dance and sing and say:“Merry, merry Christmas Day!”This

Слайд 7Boxing Day

Boxing Day

Слайд 8Guy Fawkes Night

Guy Fawkes Night

Слайд 9Match the pictures and holidays

Match the pictures and holidays

Слайд 10Boxing Day is on the ……..
1. 25th of December
2. 7th

of January
3. 26th of december

Choose the right variant!

Boxing Day is on the ……..1. 25th of December2. 7th of January3. 26th of decemberChoose the right

Слайд 11Guy Fawkes wanted to….the Houses of Parlament.
1.blow up
3. buy
Complete the


Guy Fawkes wanted to….the Houses of Parlament.1.blow up2.build3. buyComplete the sentence

Слайд 12Victory Day

Victory Day

Слайд 14New Year

New Year

Слайд 15Check up!

Check up!

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