Разделы презентаций

Preliminary English Test

An exam consist of:Reading and Writing, Listening, Speaking.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Preliminary English Test

Preliminary English Test

Слайд 2An exam consist of:
Reading and Writing,

An exam consist of:Reading and Writing, Listening, Speaking.

Слайд 3Reading (5 tasks - 35 questions)
tasks-choice from a variety

of options proposed
tasks on correlating text and the associated

task to choose true / false.

(3 tasks 7 questions)

a task to the compilation sentences identical with this,
writing short notes or letters,
writing a letter or story (optional).

Reading  (5 tasks - 35 questions) Contains tasks-choice from a variety of options proposed tasks on

Слайд 4Listening


Слайд 5Speaking

Answers to the
questions of the
examiner (mostly
about themselves)

The examiner gives the candidate a picture and describes the

situation. Necessary in a conversation with the other candidate to come to the decision that it would be the best choice of action in this situation

3. The examiner gives a color photo, which the applicant must describe

4. Conversation both candidates on topic started in the task three (on photographs)

Speaking Answers to the questions of the examiner (mostly about themselves)2. The examiner gives the candidate a

Слайд 6Certificate is recognized by several organizations as proof that confirms

proficiency in English at a basic level

Certificate is recognized by several organizations as proof that confirms proficiency in English at a basic level

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