Разделы презентаций

Present Simple and so on

Present Simple

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Present Simple

Present Simple

Слайд 3Present Simple

Present Simple

Present Simple

Present Simple

Present Simple

Present Simple

Spelling: 3rd person singular affirmative
.Most verbs take –s in the third person singular. He sits
. Verbs ending in –ss, -sh, -ch, -x or –o take –es.
I kiss – he kisses, I crash – he crashes, I catch – he catches, I fix – he fixes, I go – he goes
. Verbs ending in a consonant + y drop the -y and take –ies.
I try – he tries but I say -he says

Present Simple

Слайд 8 Form
. We form the third person singular in

the negative with does not/ doesn’t + main verb. He

doesn’t dance well. We form all other persons in the negative with do not/ don’t + main verb.
They don’t dance well.
Form. We form the third person singular in the negative with does not/ doesn’t +

Слайд 11Short Answers
Do you sleep..?

< Yes, I/ we do.

< No, I/ we don’t.
Does he/ she / it sleep…? < Yes, he/she/ it does.
< No, he/she/ it doesn’t.

Do they sleep…? < Yes, they do.
< No, they don’t.
Short AnswersDo you sleep..?            < Yes,

Слайд 17 Form
. We form the affirmative in the present simple

with the subject ( noun or personal pronoun ) and

the main verb.
I dance, I play
Form . We form the affirmative in the present simple with the subject ( noun or

Слайд 18 . The third person singular takes –s or –es

in the affirmative.
He plays, he dances

. The third person singular takes –s or –es in the affirmative. He plays, he dances

Слайд 19 . We use do + subject + main verb

in all persons except the third person singular to form

the interrogative. In the third person singular we use does + subject + verb. Do you play tennis? Does he play tennis?
. We use do + subject + main verb in all persons except the third person


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