Разделы презентаций

Презентация к уроку о животных

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1
We are
fond of pets

We are fond of pets

Слайд 2We Are Fond Of Pets

We Are Fond Of Pets

Слайд 3

Remember... All pets need love and care just as you do! Don't hurt them!

Слайд 4I

My cat is black.

My cat is fat.
I like my cat.

It is my pet.
I    My cat is black.   My cat is fat.   I

Слайд 6 Caring for Your Pets.

pet must have fresh water all the time.
Feed your pet

the right food regularly
Some pets need special homes. Keep them clean.
Some pets need help keeping themselves clean, too
Most pets need exercise to keep themselves healthy and happy.
Some pets play with toys. Make sure your pet has safe toys.
Some pets must be walked outside to go to the bathroom.
Many pets must go to the vet for their yearly checkup (осмотр). Make sure you do this.
If your pet looks sick, bring it to your vet.
Caring for Your Pets.Your pet must have fresh water all the

Слайд 7good bye

good bye

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