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Презентация сын есім

Date: the 3rd of DecemberThe theme: Focus on grammar

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1№32 Ә. Жангелдин атындағы жалпы орта мектебі

Сабақтың тақырыбы:
“Focus on grammar”

Сыныбы: 6 “Г”
Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі:

Искакова Г.
№32 Ә. Жангелдин атындағы жалпы орта мектебі    Сабақтың тақырыбы:“Focus on grammar”Сыныбы: 6 “Г”Ағылшын тілі

Слайд 2Date: the 3rd of December

The theme: Focus on


Date: the 3rd of DecemberThe theme:  Focus on    				  grammar

Слайд 3Organization moment
Greeting with schoolchildren
Warm – up
Checking home task

Organization momentGreeting with schoolchildrenWarm – upChecking home task

Слайд 4 Warm up Rhyming adjectives

Big and small
Short and tall
Young and

Hot and Cold

Warm up Rhyming adjectivesBig and small Short and tall Young and oldHot and Cold

Слайд 5
Checking home task

Match the numbers with

the correct word.

21 –

7 – twenty first
2 – fifty fourth
48 – forty eighth
54 – third
3 – second

Checking home task    Match the numbers with the correct word. 	21 –

Слайд 6Match the pictures and phrases

Stand up
Work in pairs

at the blackboard

Match the pictures and phrases 	Stand up	Work in pairs	Look at the blackboard

Слайд 7Match the pictures and phrases

Close the door
Turn off

your mobile
Sit down

Match the pictures and phrases 	Close the door	Turn off your mobile	Sit down

Слайд 8Irregular verbs
Find the past forms of these verbs

Irregular verbsFind the past forms of these verbs

Слайд 9
Date: the 3rd of December
The theme:
Focus on grammar

Date: the 3rd of DecemberThe theme:  Focus on grammar

Слайд 10Comparison degrees of Adjectives
The biggest

Comparison degrees of AdjectivesbigbiggerThe biggest

Слайд 11Comparison degrees of Adjectives
The apple is good.
The pear is better

than the apple.
The orange is the best.

Comparison degrees of AdjectivesThe apple is good.The pear is better than the apple.The orange is the best.

Слайд 12The new words

Fast – жылдам
Small –кіші
Clean – таза
Quiet – тыныш

– ескі, кәрі
Friendly – жылы шырайлы
Expensive – қымбат
Healthy – пайдалы

– арзан
Slow – баяу
Unhealthy –пайдасыз
Unfriendly –
Dirty – кір, лас
Noisy – шулы
Modern – заманауи
Big – үлкен

The new words	Fast – жылдам	Small –кіші	Clean – таза	Quiet – тыныш	Old – ескі, кәрі	Friendly – жылы шырайлы	Expensive –

Слайд 13Make a comparative and superlative
forms of these adjectives


Old nice
Big short

Spider’s net

Make a comparative and superlative forms of these adjectivesTall

Слайд 14Find the opposites of these

Find the opposites of these adjectives

Слайд 15

1. Apples are  

than chips.  (healthy)
2. Elephants are

   than bears.  (big)
3. Bikes are    than cars. (slow)  
4. I am    at English than my brother . (good) 
5. My friend is   than me.  (tall)
6. Sandy is   than Tamara.  (thin)
7. My father is   than Tom's father.  (strong)
8. The tiger is   than a fox . (heavy)
9. The weather is   than yesterday .  (hot)
10. The girls are    than the boys.  (happy)

Complete the sentences

1. Apples are             than chips.  (healthy) 2. Elephants are

Слайд 16relaxing time

relaxing time

Слайд 17Pronunciation practice


and read


Pronunciation practice        Listen and read  ʃʃ

Слайд 18“Magic box”
Make sentences using the adjectives and pictures in the

magic box

“Magic box”Make sentences using the adjectives and pictures in the magic box

Слайд 19
Make a poster!

What/who is the fastest?
What/who is the

What /who is the biggest?
What/who is the slowest?

Make a poster!What/who is the fastest?  What/who is the smallest?What /who is the biggest? What/who is

Слайд 20Giving home task
Exercises: 12, 13 p. 71-72

Giving home taskExercises: 12, 13 p. 71-72

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