Разделы презентаций

Reported Speech 9 класс

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Reported Speech

Reported Speech

Слайд 2Say - Tell

Say - Tell

Слайд 3Reporting the past

Reporting the past

Слайд 5Time expressions:

Time expressions:

Слайд 6Reporting questions:
To report indirect questions, we use the verbs: ask,

want to know, wonder.

In general reported questions we use

the word If.

In special reported questions – question-words (who, what, when, why…)
Reporting questions:To report indirect questions, we use the verbs: ask, want to know, wonder. In general reported

Слайд 7Reported orders:
To report commands, we use the verbs: ask, advise,

order, teach, tell

Reported orders:To report commands, we use the verbs: ask, advise, order, teach, tell

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