Разделы презентаций

Seasons and Weather

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Seasons and Weather

Seasons and Weather

Слайд 2Spring! What a lovely season!

Spring! What a lovely season!



Слайд 4Russian painters
A. Savrasov
v. Polenov
I. Levitan

Russian paintersA. Savrasovv. PolenovI. Levitan

Слайд 5Their pictures

Their pictures

Слайд 6Solve the riddles
I think it is ….

Solve the riddlesI think it is ….

Слайд 7Past simple
Past simple = V + ed
enjoy – enjoyed
thank- thanked


Past simplePast simple = V + edenjoy – enjoyedthank- thankedcount -counted

Слайд 10Spring calendar
The 8th of March
The 22nd of March
The 1st of

The 22nd of April
The 23rd of April
The 9th of May

Spring calendarThe 8th of MarchThe 22nd of MarchThe 1st of AprilThe 22nd of AprilThe 23rd of AprilThe

Слайд 11It’s interesting to know:
Daniel Defoe, the author of the

novel Robinson Crusoe, was born on 13th of April 1660.


Shakespeare, the author of the tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”, was born on the 23rd of April 1564.

It’s interesting  to know: Daniel Defoe, the author of the novel Robinson Crusoe, was born on

Слайд 12Найдите соответствия

Найдите соответствия

Слайд 13Spring calendar
The 8th of March
The 22nd of March
The 1st of

The 22nd of April
The 23rd of April
The 9th of May

Spring calendarThe 8th of MarchThe 22nd of MarchThe 1st of AprilThe 22nd of AprilThe 23rd of AprilThe

Слайд 15Thank you!

Thank you!


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