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Сharles Dickens

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Слайд 2Dickens’s Birthplace at Portsmouth

Dickens’s Birthplace at Portsmouth

Слайд 3 Chatman, Kent, Dickens's home 1817–1822

 Chatman, Kent, Dickens's home  1817–1822

Слайд 4Dickens’s father was put into prison for debts.

Dickens’s father was put  into prison for debts.

Слайд 5Warren’s Boot-blacking Factory

Warren’s Boot-blacking Factory

Слайд 6In 1836 “The Pickwick Papers” came into being.

In 1836 “The Pickwick Papers” came into being.

Слайд 7The Sketches of “Pickwick Papers”

The Sketches of “Pickwick Papers”

Слайд 8In April 1836 he married Catherine Thompson Hogarth.

In April 1836 he married Catherine Thompson Hogarth.

Слайд 9London,48 Doughty Street, Dickens’s home 1837-1839 where “Oliver Twist” was


London,48 Doughty Street,  Dickens’s home 1837-1839  where “Oliver Twist” was written

Слайд 10“Oliver Twist”, 1839

“Oliver Twist”, 1839

Слайд 11The Workhouse

The Workhouse

Слайд 12Oliver went to London.

Oliver went to London.

Слайд 13Oliver went to London.

Oliver went to London.

Слайд 14London, 19th century

London, 19th century

Слайд 15Oliver is meeting Dodger.

Oliver is meeting Dodger.

Слайд 16Fagin and His Gang

Fagin and His Gang

Слайд 17One morning Oliver went out with Dodger and Charlie.

One morning Oliver went out  with Dodger and Charlie.

Слайд 18They stopped suddenly. “ Do you see that old man

by the bookshop? He’ll do.”

They stopped suddenly. “ Do you see that old man by the bookshop? He’ll do.”

Слайд 19“Stop thieves!”

“Stop thieves!”

Слайд 20Oliver met Mr.Brownlow.

Oliver met Mr.Brownlow.

Слайд 21Meanwhile Oliver was on his way to the bookseller’s. Suddenly

he heard a woman shouting.

Meanwhile Oliver was on his way to the bookseller’s. Suddenly he heard a woman shouting.

Слайд 22At the gang again

At the gang again

Слайд 23Dirty Streets

Dirty Streets

Слайд 24One day Oliver was wounded.

One day Oliver was wounded.

Слайд 25Mr. Brownlow helped him to escape from the gang and

learn the true story of his family .

Mr. Brownlow helped him to escape from the gang and learn the true story of his family

Слайд 26 Dickens was an excellent lecturer.

Dickens was an excellent lecturer.

Слайд 27Poets’ Corner in Westminster Abbey

Poets’ Corner in Westminster Abbey

Слайд 28Famous Novels

Famous Novels

Слайд 29The Writer and His Family

The Writer and His Family

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