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Tambov is a Nice Place to See

Tambov is a city and the administrative centre of Tambov region with beautiful places, parks, fountains, the Tsna and the Embankment

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Слайд 1Mini-project
«Tambov is a Nice Place to See »

Done by

Zhmaeva Anastasiya

Mini-project «Tambov is a Nice Place to See »Done by Zhmaeva Anastasiya

Слайд 2

Tambov is a city and the administrative centre of Tambov

region with beautiful places, parks, fountains, the Tsna and the

Tambov is a city and the administrative centre of Tambov region with beautiful places, parks, fountains, the

Слайд 3

The first mention of the city of Tambov is found

in the Old Tambov Chronicler and dates to 1636, when

construction of the city began on the left bank of the Tsna River by decree of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich.
The city was built as a fortress city to protect the southern borders of the Russian state against. In the course of time Tambov becomes an important historical center and one of the leading cities of the Central Black Earth district. Today, Tambov is an industrial center with well-developed chemical engineering, electrical, and car- and tractor component sectors.
The first mention of the city of Tambov is found in the Old Tambov Chronicler and dates

Слайд 4Victory Park
The emblem of Tambov, the provincial capital of the

region appears in 1781. A beehive and three bees on

the sky-blue background symbolize industry of the people living there and their business, honeycraft.
Victory ParkThe emblem of Tambov, the provincial capital of the region appears in 1781. A beehive and

Слайд 5
There is an idiom in the Russian language: Tambov wolf

is a comrade for you. It means that the speaking

person supposes you are absolutely not a comrade for her/him.
There is an idiom in the Russian language: Tambov wolf is a comrade for you. It means

Слайд 6
Tambov is one of Russia's main cultural and intellectual centers

with a rich and interesting history. It was awarded the

status of historic city in 1989. Architecturally, Tambov combines modern buildings and old buildings dating from the 18th and 19th century. City authorities attach great importance to preserving cultural, historical, and architectural monuments.
Tambov is one of Russia's main cultural and intellectual centers with a rich and interesting history. It

Слайд 7
Three professional theaters, the Regional Philharmonic, and more than 700

cultural and entertainment facilities operate in Tambov Region today. The

Regional Drama Theater is Tambov's pride.
Three professional theaters, the Regional Philharmonic, and more than 700 cultural and entertainment facilities operate in Tambov

Слайд 8
The territory's cultural and historical heritage is preserved in 12

regional museums. The best known museum is the Tambov Regional

Local History Museum, which has a splendid fund of ethnographic and artistic materials, rare books from the 17th-19th centuries, unique collections of weapons, and Russian medals, and information about outstanding people whose life and works were associated with Tambov Region. The G.V. Chicherin museum house and one of the few museums of the history of medicine in the country are also of great interest.
In addition to museums, the region has an extensive network of libraries. One of the oldest is the Pushkin Library, which was opened in the early 19th century. Today, 711 public libraries with a stock of 11.1 million books operate in the Tambov Region.
The territory's cultural and historical heritage is preserved in 12 regional museums. The best known museum is

Слайд 9Victory Рark is one of the biggest parks in Tambov.

It is in the northern part of the city. The

park was built when Tambovites celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.
Victory Рark is one of the biggest parks in Tambov. It is in the northern part of

Слайд 10Now Victory Рark represents a military and historical and cultural


Now Victory Рark represents a military and historical and cultural complex

Слайд 11In the centre of the park there is a wonderful


In the centre of the park there is a wonderful fountain

Слайд 12Monument to the Winner Veteran
The Monument to the

Winner Veteran became a special sight of the park. It

is established on May 8, 2010 on a platform before a fountain by 65th anniversary of the Victory. The monument represents the bronze veteran with medals and awards on a breast, sitting on a bench and holding on hands the little girl.
Monument to the Winner Veteran  The Monument to the Winner Veteran became a special sight of

Слайд 13
As a model for the monument

our fellow countryman Ivan Stepanovich Odarchenko served. It is known

that in 1949 posed for creation of the well-known monument - a monument for the Soldier liberator in Treptov-park of Berlin. Thus, the monument to the winner Veteran became a symbol of link of times and generations.
As a model for the monument our fellow countryman Ivan Stepanovich Odarchenko served. It

Слайд 14Monument "Plane"
The plane was established in 1985 in honor of

celebration of the fortieth anniversary of the Victory in the

Second World War. On high laying the brand warplane «INSTANT - 19», directed up, as a keepsake about a patriotic initiative of the Tambov peasants which during the Great Patriotic War began fund raising on construction of a squadron of warplanes is established.

Слайд 15Victory park is very popular among Tambovites

Victory park is very popular among Tambovites

Слайд 16Modern-day Tambov is a beautiful clean city where former mansions

of the nobility, old churches, and modern buildings stand side

by side.
Modern-day Tambov is a beautiful clean city where former mansions of the nobility, old churches, and modern

Слайд 17During the state holidays mass festivities are organized, creative collectives

act, salutes and fireworks are arranged

During the state holidays mass festivities are organized, creative collectives act, salutes and fireworks are arranged

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