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We have a lot in common 6 класс

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

We have a lot in common

We have a lot  in common

Слайд 2

Do we like doing the same things?

Do we like doing the same things?

Слайд 3Make up a sentence

Make up a sentence

Слайд 4English students are fond of… Russian students are fond of…

English students are fond of… Russian students are fond of…

Слайд 5
Do we like doing the same things?

Do we have the

same hobbies?

Do we like doing the same things?Do we have the same hobbies?

Слайд 6

We have a lot in common

We have a lot  in common

Слайд 7These people became famous due to their hobbies.

Anton Chekhov

Konstantin Tsiolkovskii

These people became famous due to their hobbies.АlexanderRozenbaumAnton ChekhovMikhailBotvinnikKonstantin Tsiolkovskii

Слайд 9These people became famous due to their hobbies.

Anton Chekhov

Konstantin Tsiolkovskii

These people became famous due to their hobbies.АlexanderRozenbaumAnton ChekhovMikhailBotvinnikKonstantin Tsiolkovskii

Слайд 10Complete the sentences:
They like to sit…

English families are fond of…


Sundays the whole family…

Their favourite type of music...

Complete the sentences:  They like to sit…English families are fond of…On Sundays the whole family…Their favourite

Слайд 11Listen and repeat

[ ۸ ]
[כ :] [ כ ]
[ i:] [ I ]
[ з:]

Listen and repeat   [α:]

Слайд 12Our objectives are…
to learn new words;
to find out the ways

of spending free time;
to compare hobbies of British and Russian

Our objectives are…to learn new words;to find out the ways of spending free time;to compare hobbies of

Слайд 13Our objectives are…
to learn new words;
to find out the ways

of spending free time;
to compare hobbies of British and Russian

Our objectives are…to learn new words;to find out the ways of spending free time;to compare hobbies of

Слайд 14Answer the questions:
Where does the whole family have lunch on

Do they have fun at discos?
What is their favourite type

of music?
What do they do every weekend?
Answer the questions: Where does the whole family have lunch on Sundays?Do they have fun at discos?What

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