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The Russian Federation 9 класс

Name of the countryState symbols and the FlagPopulation and ethnic groupsMain cities and the capitalGeographical features Content

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Fomina Julia
Kolesnikova Kristina

THE RUSSIAN FEDERATIONFomina JuliaKolesnikova Kristina2019

Слайд 2Name of the country
State symbols and the Flag
Population and ethnic

Main cities and the capital
Geographical features

Name of the countryState symbols and the FlagPopulation and ethnic groupsMain cities and the capitalGeographical features

Слайд 3The official or political name of the country is THE

RUSSIAN FEDERATION, which has the abbreviation RF.
Name of the country

The official or political name of the country is THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, which has the abbreviation RF.Name

Слайд 4Before the revolution in 1917, it was known as the

Then afterwards it was known as the RUSSIAN SOVIET


Name of the country

Before the revolution in 1917, it was known as the RUSSIAN EMPIRE.Then afterwards it was known as

Слайд 5The Russian flag is sometimes called the IMPERIAL FLAG.

flag existed until the revolution in 1917.
On 21 August 1991,

the flag was officially adopted by the Russian President and the Russian Parliament.

State symbols and the Flag

The Russian flag is sometimes called the IMPERIAL FLAG. The flag existed until the revolution in 1917.On

Слайд 6In Russia the colors of the current flag symbolise:
White –

frankness and generosity
Blue – honesty and wisdom
Red – courage

and love

State symbols and the Flag

In Russia the colors of the current flag symbolise:White – frankness and generosityBlue – honesty and wisdom

Слайд 7The Russian National Emblem is the golden DOUBLE-HEADED EAGLE with

a horseman on a shield on the eagle`s breast with

a red background. Above the two heads of the eagle, there is an historical crown.
The first emblem of the double-headed eagle was introduced in 1480.

State symbols and the Flag

The Russian National Emblem is the golden DOUBLE-HEADED EAGLE with a horseman on a shield on the

Слайд 8The population of Russia is 140.3 million.
Composition of ethnic groups:

Russian, Tatar, Ukrainian, Chuvash, Bashkir, Belorussia, Mordva and other nations.


and ethnic groups
The population of Russia is 140.3 million.Composition of ethnic groups: Russian, Tatar, Ukrainian, Chuvash, Bashkir, Belorussia, Mordva

Слайд 9Capital of Russia: Moscow
The main cities of Russia: St Petersburg,

Nizhni-Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Tver, Volgograd, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk, Perm.
Main cities

and the capital
Capital of Russia: MoscowThe main cities of Russia: St Petersburg, Nizhni-Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Tver, Volgograd, Omsk, Novosibirsk,

Слайд 10Highest mountains: Elbrus, 5,642 metres
Longest river: The Lena, 4,400 kilometres

Largest lake: Lake Baikal, 31,5 square kilometres, 1,620 metres deep;

The Caspian Sea, 371,000 square kilometres.
Borders: Сhina, Mongolia, Korea, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Norway, Finland, the Baltic States, Belorussia, the Ukraine, The US.

Geographical features

Highest mountains: Elbrus, 5,642 metresLongest river: The Lena, 4,400 kilometres Largest lake: Lake Baikal, 31,5 square kilometres,

Слайд 11

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