Разделы презентаций

The Smartest


The 1-st tour

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The Smartest

The Smartest

Слайд 2The 1-st tour

The 1-st tour

Слайд 3The capital of Australia is…
1. Sydney
2. Canberra
3. Melbourne
4. Brisbane

The capital of Australia is…1. Sydney2. Canberra3. Melbourne4. Brisbane

Слайд 4School year in Russia begins in September. And what about


1. 1 September
2. 1 January
3. 1 February
4. 1 March

School year in Russia begins in September. And what about Australia?1. 1 September2. 1 January3. 1 February4.

Слайд 5When did Europeans settle in Australia?
1. 1488
2. 1492
3. 1788
4. 1901

When did Europeans settle in Australia?1. 14882. 14923. 17884. 1901

Слайд 6Which is/are a popular Australian animal(s)?

1. Koala
2. Kangaroo
3. All of

4. Emu

Which is/are a popular Australian animal(s)?1. Koala2. Kangaroo3. All of these4. Emu

Слайд 7Which two animals can you see on the Australian coat

of arms?
1. Kangaroo and Dingo
2. Koala and Parrot
3. Kangaroo and


4. Crocodile and Koala

Which two animals can you see on the Australian coat of arms?1. Kangaroo and Dingo2. Koala and

Слайд 8Which city is Australia’s oldest and largest?
1. Melbourne
2. Sydney
3. Canberra


Which city is Australia’s oldest and largest?1. Melbourne2. Sydney3. Canberra4. Hobart

Слайд 9Who are the Australian natives?
1. Eskimos
2. Aborigines
3. Indians
4. Papua

Who are the Australian natives?1. Eskimos2. Aborigines3. Indians4. Papua

Слайд 10Who discovered Australia?
1. Christopher Columbus
2. Lewis and Clark
3.Captain Cook


Who discovered Australia?1. Christopher Columbus2. Lewis and Clark3.Captain Cook 4. Magellan

Слайд 11What is the official language in Australia?
3. German
2. English


What is the official language in Australia?1.French 3. German2. English4. Australian

Слайд 12In which season do Australians celebrate Christmas?
1. Spring
2. Autumn
3. Summer


In which season do Australians celebrate Christmas?1. Spring2. Autumn3. Summer4. Winter

Слайд 13The 2-nd tour

The 2-nd tour

Слайд 14Вопрос №1
When did Captain Cook discover Australia?
In 1770

Вопрос №1When did Captain Cook discover Australia?In 1770

Слайд 15When did Australia gain independence from Great Britain?
In 1931
Вопрос №2

When did Australia gain independence from Great Britain?In 1931Вопрос №2

Слайд 16Where is Australia situated?
In the southern
Вопрос №3

Where is Australia situated?In the southern hemisphere.Вопрос №3

Слайд 17Which seas and oceans surround Australia?
The Pacific ocean,
the Indian

the Tasman sea
Вопрос №4

Which seas and oceans surround Australia?The Pacific ocean, the Indian ocean,the Tasman seaВопрос №4

Слайд 18Australia has two main rivers. Can you name them?
Вопрос №5

Australia has two main rivers. Can you name them?DarlingMurrayВопрос №5

Слайд 19Australia has the largest coral reef in the world. What

is it called?
Вопрос №6
Great Barrier Reef

Australia has the largest coral reef in the world. What is it called?Вопрос №6Great Barrier Reef

Слайд 20When do Australians celebrate Australia’s national day?
On the 26-th of

Вопрос №7

When do Australians celebrate Australia’s national day?On the 26-th of JanuaryВопрос №7

Слайд 21What is the population of Australia?
18 million people
Вопрос №8

What is the population of Australia?18 million peopleВопрос №8

Слайд 2250 kinds of kangaroo
55 rinds of parrots
How many kinds of

kangaroo and parrots exist in Australia?
Вопрос №9

50 kinds of kangaroo55 rinds of parrotsHow many kinds of kangaroo and parrots exist in Australia?Вопрос №9

Слайд 23Melbourne-1956
What Australian cities hosted Olympic games and when?
Вопрос №10

Melbourne-1956Sydney-2000 What Australian cities hosted Olympic games and when?Вопрос №10


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