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Tropics - the cradle of terrestrial plants - always attracted the attention of botanists, foresters and breeders world

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Бобченко О.В. учитель английского языка МБОУ «СОШ №12» г. Астрахань;

4 класс
Life in the rain forest

Бобченко О.В. учитель английского языка МБОУ «СОШ №12» г. Астрахань; 4 классLife in the rain forest

Слайд 2Tropics - the cradle of terrestrial plants - always attracted

the attention of botanists, foresters and breeders world

Tropics - the cradle of terrestrial plants - always attracted the attention of botanists, foresters and breeders

Слайд 3Tropics forests occupy a significant part of the forested area

of the world and are the main source of wood

of valuable breeds.
Tropics forests occupy a significant part of the forested area of the world and are the main

Слайд 5This is a huge pantry food, technical, medicinal and other

useful plants, widely included in the culture and life of

many countries.
This is a huge pantry food, technical, medicinal and other useful plants, widely included in the culture

Слайд 6The weather there is a remarkable constancy.

The weather there is a remarkable constancy.

Слайд 7Before sunrise in the forest quite cool and quiet, the

sky is cloudless.

Before sunrise in the forest quite cool and quiet, the sky is cloudless.

Слайд 8Sun rises and the temperature begins to rise. By noon

comes heat, the air becomes suffocating.

Sun rises and the temperature begins to rise. By noon comes heat, the air becomes suffocating.

Слайд 9Two-three hours later appear in the sky, the clouds, lightning,

deafening thunder shaking the air and starts downpour. The water

pours like a continuous stream.
Two-three hours later appear in the sky, the clouds, lightning, deafening thunder shaking the air and starts

Слайд 11Under her weight broken and falling tree branches. Out from

the river banks. Rain usually lasts not more than an

Under her weight broken and falling tree branches. Out from the river banks. Rain usually lasts not

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