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TV or not tv?

What are the programmes?We can know about temperature, wind, rain, snow from this programme. weather forecastWhen I want to know about the latest events in Russia and other countries I see

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1TV OR NOT TV?
Tarasenko A.N
Norilsk, 2008.

TV OR NOT TV?Tarasenko A.NNorilsk, 2008.

Слайд 2What are the programmes?
We can know about temperature, wind, rain,

snow from this programme.
weather forecast

When I want to know

about the latest events in Russia and other countries I see this programme.


My mother likes to see such dramas about family life, but I think they are boring.


On such programmes people speak about their life, politics and other topics.

chat show

These films are based on real events.


It is a mixture of music, dances, songs.


People answer questions and get money for it.


What are the programmes?We can know about temperature, wind, rain, snow from this programme. weather forecastWhen I

Слайд 3-when it is shown
-what channel it is shown on
- what

kind of programme it is
- who it is hosted by

what it offers

What is your favourite programme?

-when it is shown-what channel it is shown on- what kind of programme it is- who it

Слайд 4Read the text and match each paragraph with one of

the headings.
Promoting aggression.
A pleasant way to relax and spend

our free time.
Not only entertainment.
Time is money.

Which of the points from the text are advantages, and which are disadvantages?



TV informs us

There is too much violence on TV.

TV entertains and educates people

TV is a habit-forming drug impossible to resist

TV brings the world into our homes

TV unifies people

There is a lot of advertising on TV

TV is a good company for people who live alone

Read the text and match each paragraph with one of the headings. Promoting aggression.A pleasant way to

Слайд 5GOOD LUCK !


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