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Викторина "Clever-cleverer-the cleverest" для 7 класса


“Are you good at English ?”

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Презентация к уроку-викторине «Clever-cleverer-the cleverest?»
для учащихся 7 класса
Сидорова Олеся

учитель английского языка
г. Ставропооль 2019

Презентация к уроку-викторине «Clever-cleverer-the cleverest?» для учащихся 7 классаСидорова Олеся Владимировнаучитель английского языкаг. Ставропооль 2019

Слайд 2“Are you good at English ?”

“Are you good at English ?”

Слайд 3The English language
surrounds us like a sea,
and like

the waters of a deep sea it is full of

The English language surrounds us like a sea, and like the waters of a deep sea it

Слайд 5What is the official name of this country?

What is the official name of this   country?

Слайд 6The United Kingdom of Great Britain
And Northen Ireland

The United Kingdom of Great BritainAnd Northen Ireland

Слайд 7When is the National Independence Day of the USA celebrated?

June, 15
February, 1

When is the National Independence Day of the USA celebrated?July, 4 June, 15 February, 1

Слайд 8July, 4

July, 4

Слайд 9A bird in the hand is
worth two in the


A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Слайд 11A friend in need
is ...
Complete the proverb:

A friend in need is ...Complete the proverb:

Слайд 12A friend in need is a friend indeed

A friend in need is a friend indeed

Слайд 13A cat in gloves
catches no mice.
Translate from English into


A cat in gloves catches no mice.Translate from English into Russian:

Слайд 15 It rains cats and...
Complete and translate:

It rains cats and...Complete and translate:

Слайд 16Льет как из ведра

Льет как из ведра

Слайд 17How many countries does
the UK consist of ?
- four
- three

How many countries doesthe UK consist of ?- four- three- two

Слайд 19Who is the English
queen of the
detective genre?
Margaret Mitchell

Agatha Christie
Margaret Tetcher

Who is the English queen of the detective genre?Margaret Mitchell Agatha Christie Margaret Tetcher

Слайд 21Who said “To be
or not to be, that`s

- Hamlet
- Bred Pit
- Winnie-the-Pooh

Who said “To be or not to be, that`s the question”?- Hamlet- Bred Pit- Winnie-the-Pooh

Слайд 22- Hamlet

- Hamlet

Слайд 23 Lewis Carrol
Robert Louis Stevenson
- Alexander Pushkin
Who is the author of

in Wonderland”?

Lewis Carrol Robert Louis Stevenson- Alexander PushkinWho is the author of “Alice in Wonderland”?

Слайд 24 Lewis Carrol

Lewis Carrol

Слайд 25Tom Thumb
Peter Pan
He was a boy who
didn`t grow up.

He could fly as a bird.

Tom ThumbPeter Pan SpidermanHe was a boy who didn`t grow up. He could fly as a bird.

Слайд 26Peter Pan

Peter Pan

Слайд 27Who was
Madam Tausade?
She cooked delicious cakes
She founded

the wax museum

in London
She was a singer
Who was Madam Tausade? She cooked delicious cakes She founded the wax museum

Слайд 28She founded the wax museum

in London

She founded the wax museum      in London

Слайд 29Where was Charlie
Chaplin born?
Las Vegas

Where was Charlie Chaplin born? London Bruclin Las Vegas

Слайд 31On this day children
dress up as ghosts
and witches.

On this day children dress up as ghosts and witches.

Слайд 32Halloween


Слайд 33On this day children
usually eat chocolate
eggs and Cross


On this day children usually eat chocolate eggs and Cross Buns.

Слайд 35When do people
celebrate the Earth Day?
in winter
in summer

in spring

When do people celebrate the Earth Day?in winter in summer in spring

Слайд 36 in spring

in spring

Слайд 37Jorge Bush
George Washington
Franklin Roosevelt
Who is the first President
of the USA?

Jorge Bush George Washington Franklin RooseveltWho is the first President of the USA?

Слайд 38 George Washington

George Washington

Слайд 39What is the capital
of the UK?

What is the capital of the UK?-Cardiff-Dublin-London

Слайд 40-London


Слайд 41Which of these cities
aren’t in Britain?
New York

Which of these citiesaren’t in Britain?New York London Oxford

Слайд 42New York

New York

Слайд 43Who is the 45th
President of the USA?
Barack Obama
Donald Trump

Ronald Reagan

Who is the 45th President of the USA?Barack Obama Donald Trump Ronald Reagan

Слайд 44Donald Trump

Donald Trump

Слайд 46Список использованной литературы:
Даль В.И. Пословицы, поговорки и прибаутки русского народа:

В 2 т. СПб.:Литера, ВИАН, 1997.
Деревянко Н.Н и др. Английский

язык. Английский язык нового тысячелетия / New Millennium English: учебник англ.яз для 5 кл. общеобраз.учрежд. – Обнинск: Титул, 2007. – 160с.
Деревянко Н.Н и др. Английский язык. Английский язык нового тысячелетия / New Millennium English: учебник англ.яз для 6 кл. общеобраз.учрежд. – Обнинск: Титул, 2010. – 160с.
Клементьева Т.Б., Монк Б. Счастливый английский: Учеб. для 7 – 9 кл. общеобразоват. учеб. заведений. – 8-е изд. – М.: Дрофа, 2002. – 416 с.
С. Шерин., Взгляд на Британию-Оксфорд. Юниверсити Пресс, 1992.
http://english-proverbs.narod.ru/english-proverbs - Английские пословицы и поговорки.

Список использованной литературы:Даль В.И. Пословицы, поговорки и прибаутки русского народа: В 2 т. СПб.:Литера, ВИАН, 1997.Деревянко Н.Н

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