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What are you good at? 7 класс

What are your achievements? What is George the best at? I tried hard and won the BBC Young Musician of the year competition. I think I have musical abilities. I

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Урок английского языка в 7 классе по теме «What are

you good at?»
Исполнитель: учитель английского языка Марченко Наталья Николаевна МАОУ

СОШ 59
Г. Пермь 2016
Урок английского языка в 7 классе по теме «What are you good at?»Исполнитель: учитель английского языка Марченко

Слайд 2What are your achievements? What is George the best at?

tried hard and won the BBC Young Musician of the

year competition. I think I have musical abilities. I want to be a famous pianist. (George, 13)
To try – стараться
Hard – упорно
An ability - способность
What are your achievements?  What is George the best at? I tried hard and won the

Слайд 3What is Jonathan the best at?
I trained properly and set

a new national record for the long jump. I think

I’ve achieved much, but my ambition is to win the Olympics, to be a top sportsman and a professional. (Jonathan,14)
Properly – правильно
To set a record – установить рекорд (в)
To achieve – достигать, добиваться
An achievement – достижение
An ambition – стремление , цель
Top – лучший
A professional - профессионал

What is Jonathan the best at?I trained properly and set a new national record for the long

Слайд 4What is Jodie the best at?
I go in for horse

– riding and my greatest achievement was when I was

in the British team at the TREC European Championships. Our team won the bronze medal. My ambition is to win a gold medal. But I have to work hard to get what I want. (Jodie, 15)
To go in for – заниматься, увлекаться
Championship – чемпионат
Gold – золотой

What is Jodie the best at?I go in for horse – riding and my greatest achievement was

Слайд 5What is Emilia the best at?
I won the Young Cartoonist

of the Year Award. I’ve always enjoyed drawing and I

have ability in drawing. I think it’s necessary to practice hard to be really good at something. (Emilia, 12)
Cartoon – мультфильм, юмористический рисунок
Cartoonist – художник - юморист
An award – награда
Necessary - необходимый

What is Emilia the best at?I won the Young Cartoonist of the Year Award. I’ve always enjoyed

Слайд 6Are the following statements about George and Jonathan true or

false? Prove it.
George has ability in music.

George’s ambition is to be a professional musician.
It was easy for George to win the competition.

Jonathan goes in for sport and he trains hard.
Jonathan wants to compete in the Olympics and to be a good sportsman.
Jonathan has set a world record.

Are the following statements about George and Jonathan true or false? Prove it.George has ability in music.

Слайд 7Are the following statements about Jodie and Emilia true or

false? Prove it.
Jodie has achievements in sport.

Jodie knows what to do if she wants to achieve her ambition.

Emilia hasn’t got any prizes.
Emilia is not interested in drawing cartoons.
Emilia knows what to do to be the best.

Are the following statements about Jodie and Emilia true or false? Prove it.Jodie has achievements in sport.

Слайд 8The Past Simple Tense (Простое прошедшее время)
Past Simple употребляется для

описания действий, событий, которые произошли в прошлом(важны действия и время

их совершения).
I travelled to Britain last year. Я ездил в Британию в прошлом году.
Вопросительная и отрицательная формы глаголов образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола did.
Did you travel to Scotland last year?
Вы ездили в Шотландию в прошлом году?
When did you travel to Scotland?
Когда вы ездили в Шотландию?
I did not travel to Wales last year.
Я не ездил в Уэльс в прошлом году.

The Past Simple Tense (Простое прошедшее время)Past Simple употребляется для описания действий, событий, которые произошли в прошлом(важны

Слайд 9 The Present Perfect

Tense Настоящее совершенное время
Present Perfect употребляется для

описания прошедших действий, событий, когда мы хотим подчеркнуть их важность в настоящем, а не время, когда они произошли: I think I have achieved much. – Я думаю, что я много достиг. I’ve learnt new English words. – Я выучил новые английские слова.
Present Perfect употребляется для обозначения действий, совершившихся в не истекший период времени( today(сегодня), this week( на этой неделе), this month( в этом месяце), this year( в этом году)). I’ve visited the swimming pool this week. Я посетил бассейн на этой неделе( неделя еще не закончилась).
Present Perfect употребляется для описания действий , событий, которые произошли когда – либо(ever), только что(just), уже(already, yet) или не происходили никогда( never):
Have you ever been to the USA? Вы когда-либо были в США?
I have never been to the USA. Я никогда не был в США.

The Present Perfect Tense    Настоящее совершенное время

Слайд 10Наречие времени already употребляется в утвердительных предложениях, yet – в

отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях: - Have you done your homework yet,

John? Джон, ты уже сделал домашнее задание? - No, I haven’t done it yet. Нет, еще не сделал. - And you, Katie? А ты, Кэти? - I have already done my homework, mum. Я уже сделала домашнюю работу, мама.

Present Perfect не употребляется, если указывается, когда произошло действие в прошлом(yesterday, last week, in 1990, three years ago, etc.).
Present Perfect образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола have в нужном лице и Past Participle(V3) смыслового глагола:
I/we have been to Italy.
You/they have been to Italy.
He/she/it has been to Italy.
Have you been to Italy? – Yes, I have./No, I have not(haven’t).
Where have you been?
He has not (hasn’t) been to Italy.

Наречие времени already употребляется в утвердительных предложениях, yet – в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях: - Have you

Слайд 11British children write about their favorite after-school activities on the

Internet. What do the following children write? Fill in the gaps

with the words from the box in the correct form.

I …… running since I was 9 years old. My …… is to compete for Great Britain in the European …… and to become a …… sportsman.(Peter, 12)

Last year I won the Young Sportsman of the Year……. I …hard and ……for the 100 meters. I’d like to be an Olympic swimmer one day. I want to win a …… medal. I know it is hard to train…if I want to ……my ambition.(Clare,13)

I first started playing the piano when I was six. My teacher says that I have musical … . But it is …… to work a lot if I want to become a …… .(Neil,10)

Go in for
Set a record

British children write about their favorite after-school activities on the Internet. What do the following children write?

Слайд 12What are your and your friends’ achievements? Discuss your achievements and

ambitions with your partner. What do you do after school? What are

you interested in?

To go in for
To like to
To go to …club
To play

What are your and your friends’ achievements?  Discuss your achievements and ambitions with your partner.

Слайд 13What helped you to get good results?
To practice hard
To train

To work hard
To try hard

What helped you to get good results?To practice hardTo train properlyTo work hardTo try hard

Слайд 14What are your ambitions? What were your achievements?
To win a competition(in)

win a championship
To win a gold/bronze medal
To win a prize

get an award(for)
To achieve good results

What are your ambitions? What were your achievements?To win a competition(in)To win a championshipTo win a gold/bronze

Слайд 15What are your ambitions? What were your achievements?
To be best at

become a professional
To be a top sportsman
To become the best

To be the number one player
What are your ambitions? What were your achievements?To be best atTo become a professionalTo be a top

Слайд 16My achievements and ambitions
To take part in a sport competitions

take part in the world competitions
To take part in a


My achievements and ambitionsTo take part in a sport competitionsTo take part in the world competitionsTo take

Слайд 17

Words of wisdom

Solomon’s proverbs

Match the proverbs and their equivalents.

Being lazy will make you poor, but hard work will make you rich.
Hard work will give you power, being lazy will make you a slave.
If you are lazy, you will never get what you are after, but if you work hard, you will get a fortune.

1с; 2а; 3b

Рука прилежных будет господствовать, а ленивая будет под данью.
Ленивый не жарит своей дичи; а имущество человека прилежного многоценно.
Ленивая рука делает бедным, а рука прилежных обогащает.

Words of wisdom

Слайд 18 Thank you for your attention

Good luck!

Thank you for your attention  Good luck!

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