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Еcological problems 8 класс

The Earth Song by Michael Jackson

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1 Открытый урок в 8 б классе на тему

Еcological problems

Учитель: Нигматуллина Р.С.
МБОУ СОШ №3 г. Бирска
Открытый урок в 8 б классе на тему

Слайд 3The Earth Song
by Michael Jackson

The Earth Song by Michael Jackson

Слайд 4Let’s practice the words and expressions on the topic ‘Ecological

problems’ doing some exercises.
So the 1st task is for

1 Remember the words and make up the mind – map according to the topic of the lesson.
Let’s practice the words and expressions on the topic ‘Ecological problems’ doing some exercises. So the 1st

Слайд 5Environmental problems
Remember the words and make up the mind

– map according to the topic of the lesson.

Environmental problems Remember the words and make up the mind – map according to the topic of

Слайд 6Match the given words with their similar meanings


to disappear
To die out alarming
Vital problems fumes
Frightening pollute
Unhealthy food environmental problems
Gases wonderful
To damage junk food
Match the given words with their similar meaningsAmazing

Слайд 7
to protect


be out of danger
to pollute to allow
to throw to damage
to avoid doing something to clean
to drop litter to clear litter away
to prohibit to catch
to be in danger to avoid doing smth

Match the words (and phrases) with their opposite meanings

to protect

Слайд 8Fill in the blanks using the words in the box.

(Workbook, ex.17, p.57)
Wastes, throw away, drop, environment, cans of drink,

plastic, paper, domestic rubbish, glass, recycled.
These days people have realized how important their .... is. They read newspapers and find out that in one year a European family ... a lot of ...: about fifty kilos of paper and about sixty kilos of .... . Some people throw away ... , plastic packaging, ... their cigarette packets without a thought. But many kinds of ... can be still useful. Most kinds of … and ...., metal, plastic can be ... .
Fill in the blanks using the words in the box. (Workbook, ex.17, p.57)Wastes, throw away, drop, environment,

Слайд 9Now work in groups please. Read your own text and

fill in fishbone

Now work in groups please. Read your own text and fill in fishbone

Слайд 11
I see you’re tired. Imagine that you live in an

ideal world. You are sitting in the meadow and watching

the butterflies flying around you.
Зрительная зарядка: (спокойная музыка).
Look up
Look down
To the left
To the right
To the sky
To the ground
Wink, wink
It’s all right!
I see you’re tired. Imagine that you live in an ideal world. You are sitting in the

Слайд 12Now let’s discuss the main problems of the texts.

representatives from all the groups announce
the answers.
The first

problem is…
The second problem is…
The third problem is…
The possible way to solve these problems are ….

Now let’s discuss the main problems of the texts. The representatives from all the groups announce the

Слайд 13Ecology

Water pollution

Air pollution

A lot of noise

Cars are the biggest polluters of air

Acid rains

Suffer from smog
A lot of dust, sulfates are thrown into the air

It is not seen but its effects are terrible
Nuclear tests

People cut down trees
Because they need wood and
paper or new places for farms
and houses

Destruction of wildlife
forests are disappearing

The North Sea and the Pacific ocean
Industrial, nuclear waste pollute seas
and oceans Industrial waste

People can’t live without water
A lot of water is poisoned
A lot of litter is on the beaches.
Some of it was left by people,
some was brought by water
Rivers, lakes, seas are
important for the life
Environment (air, water and land where people live in)

Ecology (the right balance between people and environment)
What should be done to protect our planet Nuclear pollution
It is not seen but its effects are
Nuclear tests, wars

Scientists (look for effective ways)
Save water, gas, energy.
Keep your town, streets, yards clean.
Plant trees, flowers and take care of them.


What shouldn’t be done to protect our planet


Слайд 14What can we do to improve the ecological situation?

What can we do to improve the ecological situation?

Слайд 15Make up cinquains about our nature, about the environment together

Make up cinquains about our nature, about the environment together

Слайд 16А Hand, the Line of Grass, Trees Against the Blue

Let’s protect our Planet and handle with care!

А Hand, the Line of Grass, Trees Against the Blue Sky Let’s protect our Planet and handle

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