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Тест по русскому языку во 2 классе "Звуки и буквы"

«Ласточкино гнездо в Крыму» - the

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Miracles of the world.

Miracles of the world.

Слайд 2
«Ласточкино гнездо в


- the lock soaring between the sky and the sea.
This tiny snow-white building settles down on the brink of a 40-metre rock, hanging over the sea. This monument by right is considered a symbol of Southern coast of Crimea.
The swallow's nest, reminds a knight's castle. It is impossible to name its internal furniture magnificent, here there are no ornaments, except ancient fireplaces and beams from an ebony in the form of frogs.
Swallow's nest - an inspiration source
Last 20 years within the precincts of the lock there was an Italian cuisine restaurant. Strong drinks and magnificent landscapes inspired visitors on feats - jumps in the sea from "nest".
The romantic lock has been recognised for entertainment tricks. People, can rise on a viewing point and take pleasure in bewitching kinds of Yalta and the Yalta bay.
«Ласточкино гнездо в

Слайд 3Долина Гейзеров — «жемчужина» Камчатского края !
This unusual and bewitching

place has been recognised by one of seven miracles of

Russia! The main sight, Valleys of Geysers, it, certainly, geysers. The largest is nearby 20, and smaller and not to count at all! These surprising natural fountains, periodically throw out upwards streams of hot water (t = 100 ° C).
The Valley of Geysers in the Kamchatka edge, in national park settles down. The fountain of the biggest and strong geyser reaches of 30 m. in height! (Height of the 11-storeyed house). Is called - "Giant".
It reaches at width to 2 km.
The flora flora, but is also fauna. And so, "card" of this place, its special pride.
Are bears. A valley of Geysers it is not simple a valley, it is a volcanic canyon! (Boiling lakes and mineral keys)
Долина Гейзеров — «жемчужина» Камчатского края ! This unusual and bewitching place has been recognised by one

Слайд 4«Столбы выветривания.»
Unique in own way seven

stone columns, which height makes from 32 to 40 metres.

«Small mountain of idols»., which suits also set of legends and the mysteriousness One of 7 columns costs separately from others, its height makes 34 metres.

Appearance of this column something reminds itself a bottle put on the earth by a down.12 of June, 2008 have been carried to «Seven Miracles of Russia».
On a place where at the moment there are aeration columns 200 million years ago huge mountains towered. The most part of these majestic, for that period of time of mountains, consisted of so-called "soft rocks". Passed a century: rains, the strongest of a wind, snow, high and low temperatures have destroyed mountains. Untouched up to now there were only aeration columns!

«Столбы выветривания.»    Unique in own way seven stone columns, which height makes from 32

Слайд 5Карьер «Мир» в Якутии —в царстве вечной мерзлоты.

In a city Peace, in Yakutia there is one of

the world's largest diamond open-cast mines - "World".
Over diamond mine helicopters do not fly: the huge funnel depth of 525 metres and in diameter more than 1 kilometre, sucks in flying machines.

City Peace - diamond heart of Russia. Here more industrial extraction of diamonds 50 years ago has begun.
There the long-term frozen ground (t = - 70с °) reigns
Mining ores in career "World" it is stopped in 2001, and the mine bottom is preserved for preparation for working off of the top underground horizons.

Карьер «Мир» в Якутии —в царстве вечной мерзлоты.    In a city Peace, in Yakutia

Слайд 6Петергоф — «имперский блеск дворцов и парков»
The top garden constructed

on the sample of the French park, has the form

of the extended rectangle. Its central part is occupied with the open orchestra bordered with avenues of cut lindens. Almost all sculptural and gushing constructions of the Top garden settle down on the islets surrounded from different directions with a water smooth surface of five pools.

It is located on southern coast of gulf of Finland in 29 km from St.-Petersburg is. The imperial ensemble totals 4 cascades and 176 fountains. But still 300 years ago in these parts there was nothing, except villages on bogs.

Петергоф — «имперский блеск дворцов и парков» The top garden constructed on the sample of the French

Слайд 12Маленькое чудо света – «Каньон»
- "is a mountain

lake in the centre of abrupt rocky coast. There is

it on city suburb Red Sulin, approximately in 100 km from Rostov-on-Don and is one of the greatest canyons in the Rassia.
The length of lake about 450 metres, reaches width 50 metres, depth of 20-30 metres.

In the spring and in the autumn on a canyon simply lovely sight - an empty beach, absence of an abundance of tourists, fine time for fishing and photosessions.

Маленькое чудо света – «Каньон»  -

Слайд 13
In summer heat temperature at the bottom career on some

degrees more low - for the account of the big

weight of water, depth of an open-cast mine and a shade from surrounding rocks.
Water very pure, visibility makes 10-15 metres.

Lake "Canyon" - a beautiful picturesque corner of the nature!

In summer heat temperature at the bottom career on some degrees more low - for the account

Слайд 14Thank you!

Thank you!

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