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( My favorite singer)

My favorite singer Gone Flood .Gong flood was born on July 4.GONE.Fludd, and Alexander Buze-artist from Tuchkovo, currently living in Moscow, a former member of the Association "SABBAT CULT".

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Презентация на тему (My favorite singer)
Підготувала учениця
Form 8-A
Fomina Yulia

Презентация  на тему (My favorite singer)Підготувала учениця Form 8-AFomina Yulia

Слайд 2My favorite singer Gone Flood .
Gong flood was born on

July 4.
GONE.Fludd, and Alexander Buze-artist from Tuchkovo, currently living in

Moscow, a former member of the Association "SABBAT CULT".
My favorite singer Gone Flood .Gong flood was born on July 4.GONE.Fludd, and Alexander Buze-artist from Tuchkovo,

Слайд 3GONE.Fludd is a Russian rap artist and songwriter. He began

his solo career in 2015, having since released four Studio

GONE.Fludd is a Russian rap artist and songwriter. He began his solo career in 2015, having since

Слайд 4In 2015, as part of Sabbat Cult released the album

" August Underground ", after which he released two solo

albums in a row — "Forms and emptiness " and"High Lust". In 2016-2017, he released three albums with Lottery Billz, M00NCHILD and IROH. The first success came with the release of the album " Boys Don't Cry “.Real success came to Alexander in the fall of 2018 with the release of the album "Supersuits" .
In 2015, as part of Sabbat Cult released the album

Слайд 5The most famous artist brought the album Boys Don't Cry,

released in April 2018.Distributor-Sony Music Russia. In late June, he

released a video for the song "Mumble", which unflattering comments about the performers mumble rap. In September she released the album "Supersuits". In less than a week, he's got over three million auditions.
The most famous artist brought the album Boys Don't Cry, released in April 2018.Distributor-Sony Music Russia. In

Слайд 6Album Boys Don’t Cry the most famous album of the

which includes the following songs: Mumbl, ice cube and

14 more songs.
Album Boys Don’t Cry the most famous album of the singer. which includes the following songs: Mumbl,

Слайд 7In September of 2018 Alexander on the wave of success

released a mini-album of 7 tracks "Supercuts", which was also

warmly received by the audience.
it includes the following songs: Sugar people, Banana juice , Dripset , Emptiness.
In September of 2018 Alexander on the wave of success released a mini-album of 7 tracks

Слайд 8I really like the new album
"Supercuts“and most of all I

liked the songs: Banana juice and Emptiness.

I really like the new album

Слайд 9Thank you for listening

Thank you for listening

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