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1 Read the sentence, fill in the gap, and then check

Every year more and more tourists … (to visit) the Ionian Islands.Every year more and more tourists are visiting the Ionian Islands.2. Many people … (now, to think) about the possibility

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Слайд 11 Read the sentence, fill in the gap, and then check

Tenses_ 1 vs 2_(active + passive)

1 Read the sentence, fill in the gap, and then checkPresent Tenses_ 1 vs 2_(active + passive)

Слайд 2Every year more and more tourists … (to visit) the

Ionian Islands.
Every year more and more tourists are visiting the

Ionian Islands.
2. Many people … (now, to think) about the possibility of owning property in this corner.
Many people are now thinking about the possibility of owning property in this corner.
3. ‘Is Maria ready yet?’ ‘No, she … (to have) a shower.’
‘Is Maria ready yet?’ ‘No, she is having a shower.’
4. I … (to hear) that you are not happy with the the management’s proposal.
I hear that you are not happy with the the management’s proposal.
5. The cost of bringing up children … (to increase) all the time!
The cost of bringing up children is increasing all the time!
6. … (he, to eat) rice every day?
Does he eat rice every day?
7. Look! They … (to leave) the house.
Look! They are leaving the house.
8. Jenny … (not, want) to get wet.
Jenny does not want to get wet.
9. Normally, Jenny … (to wear) black shoes, but today she … (to wear) red willies.
Normally, Jenny wears black shoes, but today she is wearing red willies.
10. Cats … (to eat) mice.
Cats eat mice.

Every year more and more tourists … (to visit) the Ionian Islands.Every year more and more tourists

Слайд 311. For sure, many car accidents … (cause) by bad

For sure any accidents are caused by bad driving.
12. We

… (to study) hard these days.
We are studying hard these days.
13. A hundred people … (usually, to employ) by the company.
A hundred people are usually employed by the company.
14. Cheese … (to make) from milk.
Cheese is made from milk.
15. Be quiet! The comedy … (to watch) over there.
Be quiet! The film is being watched over there.
16. What … (you, to do) this Monday?
What are you doing this Monday?
17. The project … (to develop) now by our engineers.
The project is being developed now by our engineers.
18. I … (not, to know) where he lives.
I don’t know where he lives.
19. At first I didn’t understand Maths. Now I … (to start) to realize how easy it is.
At first I didn’t understand Maths. Now I am starting to realize how easy it is.
20. I’m sorry Ann can’t come to the phone, she … (to have) a shower.
I’m sorry Ann can’t come to the phone, she is having a shower.
21. It … (to get) more and more frustrating all the time.
It is getting more and more frustrating all the time.

11. For sure, many car accidents … (cause) by bad driving.For sure any accidents are caused by

Слайд 4
22. My elder/older son … (to work) as a computer

programmer this year.
My elder/older son is working as a computer

programmer this year.
23. Tom’s room looks tidy because he … (to redecorate) it every other year.
Tom’s room looks tidy because he redecorates it every other year.
24. I … (not, to hear) from Mario these days.
I do not hear from Mario Mario these days.
25. You may take tis magazine. I … (not, to read) it any more.
You may take tis magazine. I am not reading it any more.
26. How long … (it, to take) you to make tea?
How long does it take you make tea?
27. The government is worried because the number of people without jobs … (to rise).
The government is worried because the number of people without jobs is rising.
28. My colleague … (to have) a house in France
My colleague has a house in France.
23. You … (constantly, to fight) with your elder brother! Stop it!
You are constantly fighting with your elder brother! Stop it!
24. He is listening to music loudly. It … (to get) on my nerves.
He is listening to music loudly. It is getting on my nerves.
25. We are working here until they … (to come back).
We are working here until they come back.
26. He … (still, to develop) our new draft programme.
He is still developing our new draft programme.

22. My elder/older son … (to work) as a computer programmer this year.My elder/older son is working

Слайд 527. There is nobody there. You … (just, to hear)

There is nobody there. You are just hearing things.

(Вам послышалось.)
29. … (you, to see) what I am writing on the blackboard?
Do you see what I am writing on the blackboard?
30. More and more people … (to take) part in TV shows.
More and more people are taking part in TV shows.
31. The only problem is the waiting – like now, I … (to sit) here and … (to wait) for him to call.
The only problem is the waiting – like now, I am sitting here and waiting for him to call.
32. I … (usually, to have) a really good time at work.
I usually have a really good time at work.
33. The other thing is that I … (to get) more and more jobs at present, because there are so many TV companies these days.
The other thing is that I am getting more and more jobs at present, because there are so many TV companies these days.
34. Food prices … (to climb) higher and higher at the moment.
Food prices are climbing higher and higher at the moment.
35. ‘The bus is late.’ ‘I know. It … (to come) late every day’.
‘The bus is late.’ ‘I know. It comes late every day’.
36. I … (to have) an incredibly boring job.
I have an incredibly boring job.
37. A red light … (to mean) ‘Stop’.
A red light means ‘Stop’.
38. My grandmother likes the countryside. I … (to prefer) the city.
My grandmother likes the countryside. I prefer the city.

27. There is nobody there. You … (just, to hear) things. There is nobody there. You are

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