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COURSE STUDENT Abhishek Upadhyay Scientific Leader Svetlana Smirnova DEPARTMENT

Drug Addiction Is a Social Problem A common misconception surrounding drug addiction is that it solely affects the life of the user. However, the idea that they aren’t hurting anyone except

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Scientific Leader
Svetlana Smirnova


Social problems of modern society, related to drug use, smoking, alcoholism.

COURSE STUDENT        Abhishek Upadhyay

Слайд 2Drug Addiction Is a Social Problem
A common misconception surrounding drug

addiction is that it solely affects the life of the

user. However, the idea that they aren’t hurting anyone except for themselves is an excuse that many individuals who abuse drugs use in order to justify their addiction. Drug addiction is not a one-person phenomenon, and it creates a domino effect on the lives of those around them. It is a social problem that normalizes drug use and affects individuals and their families.
Drug Addiction Is a Social Problem A common misconception surrounding drug addiction is that it solely affects

Слайд 3At first glance, a drug addiction may appear to only

affect the person who is using. However, because addiction is

a destructive issue that can have an adverse effect on the community, family, and individual, it’s very rare that other people aren’t affected. An individual neglecting their responsibilities as a result of drugs can negatively affect their career, children’s education, or family’s financial security. Their impact can also extend outside of the immediate family. Friends or community members who rely on their presence or companionship can suffer from their absence.
At first glance, a drug addiction may appear to only affect the person who is using. However,

Слайд 4There are a variety of short-term and long-term health effects

associated with addiction. Although the specific effects vary between drugs,

prolonged abuse of any substance can lead to chronic disease or alter an individual’s productivity. The most permanent effect of drug addiction is death, which becomes more likely through addiction because of increased tolerance leading to overdose.
There are a variety of short-term and long-term health effects associated with addiction. Although the specific effects

Слайд 5The Connection Between Addiction and Crime
There is a definitive link

between crime and drug addictions that is mainly contributed to

the illegal status of commonly abused drugs. Not only is it illegal to carry many of these drugs but an individual’s lowered inhibitions when under the influence can encourage them to commit other crimes. The types of crime that an individual may commit when on drugs is extensive and dependent on a variety of sub-factors, but regardless, drug users are more likely than nonusers to commit crime. Petty theft in order to obtain drugs and satiate their cravings when desperate is another way in which drugs influence individuals to commit crimes.
The Connection Between Addiction and CrimeThere is a definitive link between crime and drug addictions that is

Слайд 8alcohol is not a solution of any problem

alcohol is not a solution of any problem

Слайд 12Drug Abuse is Still a Growing Problem
Drug abuse is the

catalyst for many major social problems, including drugged driving, violence, stress,

and child abuse, and it can further lead to homelessness, crime, and joblessness. According to a recent USA Today article, more Americans die from drug overdoses today (nearly 44,000 deaths a year) than from car accidents or any other type of injury. Drug abuse also harms unborn babies and destroys families.
Drug Abuse is Still a Growing Problem Drug abuse is the catalyst for many major social problems, including

Слайд 13Addicts aren’t made from a single drug use incident. But

some people who try drugs, although obviously not all, go

on to take more and more and become addicted as a result. Non-users mistakenly assume that drug abusers lack moral principles or willpower and that they should just be able to stop using drugs simply by choosing to change their behavior. 
Addicts aren’t made from a single drug use incident. But some people who try drugs, although obviously

Слайд 14Not so easy, according the latest studies. Scientists now know

drug addiction is a disease and there are lots of

risk factors that can contribute to your getting that disease, including your genes, what kind of school you attend, what kind of neighborhood you live in, and what kinds of people you hang around with. Incidentally, these same factors can also protect you from getting the disease.
Not so easy, according the latest studies. Scientists now know drug addiction is a disease and there

Слайд 15Besides the tragic loss of lives it steals annually, addiction

and substance abuse, also known as drug abuse and substance

use disorder, yields negative consequences for individuals as well as society, with an estimated $700 billion annually in costs related to crime, lost work productivity and health care
Besides the tragic loss of lives it steals annually, addiction and substance abuse, also known as drug

Слайд 16Research shows that combining addiction treatment medications with behavioral therapy

is the best way to ensure success for most patients.

However, the best is to prevent drug abuse in the first place. Results from NIDA-funded research show that prevention programs through education outreach involving families, schools, communities, and the media are effective in reducing drug abuse. Likewise, teachers, parents, and medical and public health professionals must consistently send the message that drug addiction can be prevented if one never abuses drugs.
Research shows that combining addiction treatment medications with behavioral therapy is the best way to ensure success




FOR BETTER UNDERSTANDINGhttps://www.alcohol.org/effectshttps://www.drugfreeworld.org/drugfacts/the-truth-about-drugs.htmlhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waLGHZZcIi0

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