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2012 Economics of enterprise KROK University Spring 2012 Instructor Tetiana

Home assignmentIn groups (2-3 students). Up to 10 minutes. 1. How to register a company in Ukraine:Legal entityPhysical person 2. Structure of the State of Legal Persons by types

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Слайд 12012
Economics of enterprise KROK University Spring 2012 Instructor Tetiana Iesypchuk

2012Economics of enterprise   KROK University Spring 2012 Instructor Tetiana Iesypchuk

Слайд 2Home assignment
In groups (2-3 students). Up to 10 minutes.

1. How to register a company in Ukraine:
Legal entity
Physical person

2. Structure of the State of Legal Persons by types of economic activity / organizational-legal forms of entities
3. Entrepreneurship activity in Ukraine
4. Principles of entrepreneurship
5. Social entrepreneurship
Written. Individual!
1. Examples of voluntary associations of enterprises (Individual!)
an example has to
include the name of association
list participants
give the reasons why did the enterprises form the association
2. Types of enterprises (by property rights) – definitions
3. Types of associations – definitions
4. Types of enterprises (by property formation) – definitions

Home assignmentIn groups (2-3 students). Up to 10 minutes.  1. How to register a company in

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