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90’s generation

A lot has happened in those years. The first mobile phones were used, everyone wanted a Gameboy, Flippo’s were traded at every street corner, Britney Spears annoyed us with ‘Hit me

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Слайд 1

90’s generation
Александра Павлова Александра Шестакова

90’s generationАлександра Павлова Александра Шестакова

Слайд 2A lot has happened in those years. The first mobile

phones were used, everyone wanted a Gameboy, Flippo’s were traded

at every street corner, Britney Spears annoyed us with ‘Hit me baby one more time’, and kids only wanted to travel to school on roller skates. There’s a big difference between the entertainment our generation grew up with and the kind of entertainment kids grow up with nowadays.
A lot has happened in those years. The first mobile phones were used, everyone wanted a Gameboy,

Слайд 3Admit it, childhood children, who were born in the 80s

and 90s was unique. Yes, maybe we did not have

the capacity and diversity of products, which have modern children, but our childhood was the best, and today we really have something to remember, we veselilis..My - the generation that walked in the yard , paid leaves and had a real friend.
Admit it, childhood children, who were born in the 80s and 90s was unique. Yes, maybe we

Слайд 4 90's is the decade gave us pop culture,memorable tv

moments and sports moments and newsmakers during this decade. For

example, MTV celebrated 10 years in 1991 on MTV shows. And if you born in 90’s you must know about Fox Kids Chanel, and all cartoons that it shows.
90's is the decade gave us pop culture,memorable tv moments and sports moments and newsmakers during

Слайд 590's rap music began it's hight poplar music or almost

the gangster rap movment began,meatl rock is getting surpassed by

grunge rock like the bands nivana,pearl jam,soundgarden so on.
90's rap music began it's hight poplar music or almost the gangster rap movment began,meatl rock is

Слайд 6Think of the things that were in the 90s: film

camera, rings in the water, VCR, paper doll, Kinder

Think of the things that were in the 90s: film camera, rings in the water, VCR, paper

Слайд 7Now think of the paper ten, which existed till 2009

since 1997 year. Rest in peace, dear ten. We will

never forget how you buy on chocolate, ice cream and chewing gum. You are forever in our hearts
Now think of the paper ten, which existed till 2009 since 1997 year. Rest in peace, dear

Слайд 8We are the generation who grew up with technology but

still know what life was like without all those things.

We still know what it was like to play outside and get our hands and knees dirty. We were forced to use our imagination, because we didn’t have easy access to phones and computers. Our generation didn’t see all the new technologies as ‘new’, we were part of it, right in the middle of it .We grew up in a world which was fairly simple, and slowly got more complex. Instead of 10 cartoons to watch, there are now over a 100 cartoons on television. Is it better? In some ways it is of course, but we all have our moments when we desire the good old times of our youth.
We are the generation who grew up with technology but still know what life was like without

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