that appear together in a syllable without a vowel between
them, such as the /sp/ combination in speak, spot, or the /skr/ combination in scrape, scream.
Consonant Cluster : 1) s+ (initial) p,t,k,f,m,n,w,l,y,r / s:pre-initial/others :initial
2) s+other consonant s+ (post-initials) l,r,w,j =pre-initial+initial+post-initials
The consonant clusters which constutute the coda are also not arbitrarily formed, they can be described as:
”any consonant except for h,r,w,j may be final consonant. There may be 2 kinds of Final Cluster : pre-final+final/final+post final, Pre-finals(m,n,nasal,l,s : bump,belt) / Post-finals (s, z, t, d, /q/ : bets,beds)”