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Moist adiabatic processes

So, Ti0, RH

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Moist adiabatic processes
An adiabatic process in moist, saturated air is

This process is significantly different form that

in the dry or non-saturated air
Moist adiabatic processesAn adiabatic process in moist, saturated air is called MOIST ADIABATIC PROCESSThis process is significantly

Слайд 2
So, Ti0, RH

further temperature fall and water vapor condensation that makes the

rate of the temperature fall less than 1°/100 m.

So, Ti0, RH<100%

Initial level

Lifting Condensation level

The rate of temperature variation of the ascending saturated air without heat influx or outflow is called MOIST ADIABATIC LAPSE RATE

So, Ti0, RH

Слайд 3From the above reasoning it follows:
Temperature of an ascending parcel

of air decreases with height, but slower that at dry

adiabatic process ( ).
Due to condensation, the particle specific humidity Sm decreases with height
Relative humidity remains equal to 100%.

Adiabatic ascent of the moist air till attaining saturated state is called DRY STAGE.
Further ascending of the saturated air above the condensation level is called MOIST STAGE

Condensation level

Dry stage

Moist stage

From the above reasoning it follows:Temperature of an ascending parcel of air decreases with height, but slower

Слайд 4First law of thermodynamics for the moist, saturated air
Suppose a

parcel of the saturated air has got some amount of

heat dq. This heat will be laid out for:
Inner energy increase
Expansion work
Evaporation of some amount of water
Reason for evaporation

The parcel becomes non-saturated +


As we know,

First law of thermodynamics for the moist, saturated airSuppose a parcel of the saturated air has got

Слайд 5For adiabatic process
Accounting for static equation, we get:
Value of the

moist adiabatic lapse rate depends on pressure and temperature only

and does not depend on humidity
For adiabatic processAccounting for static equation, we get:SinceValue of the moist adiabatic lapse rate depends on pressure

Слайд 7Opening brackets and solving the equation with respect to , we


Opening brackets and solving the equation with respect to	, we obtain

Слайд 8
Values of the moist adiabatic lapse rate at different temperature

and pressure

Values of the moist adiabatic lapse rate at different temperature and pressure

Слайд 9Criterion of instability for the moist air
Unstable atmosphere
Stable atmosphere
Neutral atmosphere

non-saturated air
Unstable atmosphere
Stable atmosphere
Neutral atmosphere
Moist, saturated air
Absolute instability
Absolute stability
Conditional instability


air is unstable, it is saturated

Combine criterion of instability

Criterion of instability for the moist airUnstable atmosphereStable atmosphereNeutral atmosphereDry, non-saturated airUnstable atmosphereStable atmosphereNeutral atmosphereMoist, saturated airAbsolute

Слайд 10Some additional information
Equivalent-potential temperature is the potential temperature of an

air parcel, the water vapor containing in it had been

condensed due to adiabatic ascent and the heat obtained has been laid out to rise up the air parcel temperature,

Θ, e

Θ+dθ, e=0

Θe, e=0

1000 hPa

Equivalent-potential temperature

Θp.p, e=0

Initial level

Pseudo-potential temperature

Some additional informationEquivalent-potential temperature is the potential temperature of an air parcel, the water vapor containing in

Слайд 11Some additional information
The pseudopotential temperature(Θp.p) is a combination of the

air temperature and the humidity. Θp.p is the temperature that

an air mass package will have after condensation and falling out of all water vapour due to upward motion followed by dry adiabatic downward motion to the starting position. In practise the combination of Θp.p and the wind barbs should be used.

Θ, e

Θ+dθ, e=0

Θe, e=0

1000 hPa

Equivalent-potential temperature

Θp.p, e=0

Initial level

Pseudo-potential temperature

Some additional informationThe pseudopotential temperature(Θp.p) is a combination of the air temperature and the humidity. Θp.p is

Слайд 12
If we have a convergence in an area with relatively

high tpspot we should be aware to convection or even

severe thunderstorms.Although we have that parameter only for 2m-values the following thresholds can be used as guidlines:
- tpspot < 50°C: thunderstorms not likely, - 50°C > tpspot < 60°C: thunderstorms possible, - 60°C > tpspot < 70°C: thunderstorms likely (partly severe), - 70°C > tpspot < 80°C: severe thunderstorms, - tpsopot > 80°C: extreme thunderstorms

If we have a convergence in an area with relatively high tpspot we should be aware to

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