A nuclide is a specific combination of atomic number and mass number that represents a nucleus.
The nuclei of all atoms of a particular element contain the same number of protons but often contain different numbers of neutrons. Nuclei related in this way are called isotopes. The isotopes of an element have the same Z value but different N and A values.
Charge and Mass
The Size and Structure of Nuclei
Applying the conservation of energy principle to the system gives
Since the time of Rutherford’s scattering experiments, a multitude of other experiments have shown that most nuclei are approximately spherical and have an average radius given by
A nucleus can be modeled as a cluster of tightly packed spheres, where each sphere is a nucleon.
where M(H) is the atomic mass of the neutral hydrogen atom, mn is the mass of the neutron, M(AZX) represents the atomic mass of an atom of the isotope AZX, and the masses are all in atomic mass units.
Four major effects influence the binding energy of the nucleus in the liquid-drop model:
• The volume effect.
• The surface effect.
• The Coulomb repulsion effect.
• The symmetry effect.
the semiempirical binding-energy formula
where R0= λN0 is the decay rate at t=0. The decay rate R of a sample is often referred to as its activity.
A frequently used unit of activity is the curie (Ci), defined as
This value was originally selected because it is the approximate activity of 1 g of radium. The SI unit of activity is the becquerel (Bq):
the disintegration energy of the system
The neutrino has the following properties:
The Q value for this reaction is 17.3 MeV. A reaction such as this one, for which Q is positive, is called exothermic. A reaction for which Q is negative is called endothermic.
The total number of nucleons before the reaction (1+19=20) is equal to the total number after the reaction (16+4=20). Furthermore, the total charge is the same before (1=9) and after (8=2) the reaction.
the nuclear magneton
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