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The Nervous System


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Слайд 1The Nervous System Chapter Five

The Nervous System  Chapter Five

Слайд 2Chapter Five
5-1: The Nervous System

Chapter Five 5-1: The Nervous System

Слайд 3Nervous System
A system that controls all of the activities of

the body.
The nervous system is made of:
The brain
The spinal cord


The senses

Nervous SystemA system that controls all of the activities of the body.The nervous system is made of:The

Слайд 4The nervous system also allows you to react to a

A stimulus is a change in the environment.
Example: A hot

Or… tripping over a rock
The nervous system also allows you to react to a stimulus.StimulusA stimulus is a change in the

Слайд 5Your reactions are automatic.
Automatic means that you do not have

to think about your reactions.
Example: If a bug flies by

your eye,
you will blink.
Your reactions are automatic.AutomaticAutomatic means that you do not have to think about your reactions.Example: If a

Слайд 6Brain
An organ that controls your emotions, your thoughts, and every

movement you make.

BrainAn organ that controls your emotions, your thoughts, and every movement you make.

Слайд 7Central Nervous System
The Central Nervous System is made of the

brain and the spinal cord.
The Central Nervous System controls everything

in the body.

Central Nervous SystemThe Central Nervous System is made of the brain and the spinal cord.The Central Nervous

Слайд 8Outer Nervous System
The Outer Nervous System is made of the

nerves and the sense organs.

Sense organs

Outer Nervous SystemThe Outer Nervous System is made of the nerves and the sense organs.NervesSense organs

Слайд 9Nerve Impulse
Messages carried throughout the body by nerves.

Nerve ImpulseMessages carried throughout the body by nerves.

Слайд 10"Funny Bone"
You have a nerve along your whole arm.
The “funny

bone” is the only place on the arm where the

nerve is not protected.
The “funny bone” is on the elbow.

Слайд 11The Nervous System 5-2
The Central Nervous System

The Nervous System  5-2The Central Nervous System

Слайд 12The Central Nervous System
* The Central Nervous System controls all

of the body’s activities.
* The Central Nervous System is made

of two main organs.

1. The brain

2. The spinal cord

The Central Nervous System* The Central Nervous System controls all of the body’s activities.* The Central Nervous

Слайд 13The Spinal Cord
* The spinal cord sends messages to the

* The spinal cord is the part of the nervous

system that connects the brain to the rest of the nervous system.
The Spinal Cord* The spinal cord sends messages to the brain.* The spinal cord is the part

Слайд 14The Brain
* The brain controls everything in the body.
* The

brain is made of more than 10 billion nerves!
* The

brain is divided into three parts and is protected by the skull.
The Brain* The brain controls everything in the body.* The brain is made of more than 10

Слайд 15The Three Parts of the Brain
* The Brain has three

main parts…
1. The Cerebrum
2. The Cerebellum
3. The Brain Stem

The Three Parts of the Brain* The Brain has three main parts…1. The Cerebrum2. The Cerebellum3. The

Слайд 16The Cerebrum
* The Cerebrum is the largest part of the

1. The cerebrum controls your thinking.
2. The cerebrum controls your


3. The cerebrum controls your speaking.

4. The cerebrum controls your movement and identifies the information gathered by your sense organs.

The Cerebrum* The Cerebrum is the largest part of the brain.1. The cerebrum controls your thinking.2. The

Слайд 17The Cerebellum
* The cerebellum is below and to the back

of the cerebrum.
1. The cerebellum controls you balance.
2. The cerebellum

controls your posture.
The Cerebellum* The cerebellum is below and to the back of the cerebrum.1. The cerebellum controls you

Слайд 18The Brain Stem
* The Brain Stem connects the brain to

the spinal cord.
* The nerves in the brain stem control

your heartbeat, breathing, and blood pressure.
The Brain Stem* The Brain Stem connects the brain to the spinal cord.* The nerves in the

Слайд 19The Vertebrae
* The vertebrae are the many bones that protect

the nerves in the spinal cord.

The Vertebrae* The vertebrae are the many bones that protect the nerves in the spinal cord.

Слайд 20The Outer Nervous System

The Outer Nervous System

Слайд 21Outer Nervous System
* The Outer Nervous System’s job is to

connect the Central Nervous System to the rest of the


* The outer nervous system carries messages between the central nervous system and the rest of the body.

Outer Nervous System* The Outer Nervous System’s job is to connect the Central Nervous System to the

Слайд 22Outer Nervous System
* The outer nervous system is made of

the nerves and the sense organs.

Outer Nervous System* The outer nervous system is made of the nerves and the sense organs.EarEyeSkinNervesTongue

Слайд 23Reflex
* An automatic reaction that happens without thinking about it.

A reflex happens quickly in less than a second.

Reflex* An automatic reaction that happens without thinking about it.* A reflex happens quickly in less than

Слайд 24Automatic Nervous System
* The outer nervous system controls the body’s

activities that you don’t think about.
* The outer nervous system

controls activities in your small intestine, your breathing, and your heartbeat.


Automatic Nervous System* The outer nervous system controls the body’s activities that you don’t think about.* The

Слайд 25The Senses 5-4

The Senses  5-4

Слайд 26Sense Organs
Sense organs carry messages about the environment to the

central nervous system.

Sense OrgansSense organs carry messages about the environment to the central nervous system.

Слайд 27Sense Organs
The eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin are examples

of sense organs.
The sense organs gather information (light, sound, heat,

and pressure) from the environment.
Sense OrgansThe eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin are examples of sense organs.The sense organs gather information

Слайд 28Environment
The environment is everything outside the body.
The sense organs gather

information from outside the body, then send the messages to

the brain.
EnvironmentThe environment is everything outside the body.The sense organs gather information from outside the body, then send

Слайд 29Vision
Vision is your ability to see.
Vision involves the eye and

the brain.

VisionVision is your ability to see.Vision involves the eye and the brain.

Слайд 30The Eye
The eye is one of your sense organs.
The eye

is made of the iris and

the pupil.

The eye gathers pictures and sends them to the brain.

The EyeThe eye is one of your sense organs.The eye is made of the iris

Слайд 31The Parts of the Eye
The colored part of the

eye is the iris.


black part of the eye is the pupil.

The pupil becomes larger and smaller as it controls the light coming into the eye.



The Parts of the EyeThe colored part of the        eye

Слайд 32Hearing
When a sound is made, the air around the sound

Hearing starts when some of the sound waves go into

the ear.
HearingWhen a sound is made, the air around the sound vibrates.Hearing starts when some of the sound

Слайд 33Parts of the Ear
There are nine main parts of the

1. Pinna
2. Ear canal
3. Ear drum
5. Anvil
6. Stirrup
7. Cochlea
4. Hammer

Eustachian tube

9. Auditory nerve

Parts of the EarThere are nine main parts of the ear.1. Pinna2. Ear canal3. Ear drum5. Anvil6.

Слайд 34Parts of the Ear
The ear canal is the tube between

the outside of the ear and the ear drum.
The ear

drum is in the middle ear. It vibrates when sound waves hit it.

The pinna is the part of the ear that you can see.

Parts of the EarThe ear canal is the tube between the outside of the ear and the

Слайд 35Parts of the Ear
The three smallest bones in the body,

the hammer, the anvil, and the stirrup,

are in the middle ear.

The hammer gets the vibrations from the eardrum, then sends them to the anvil.

The anvil passes the vibrations to the stirrup.

The stirrup passes the vibrations to the inner ear.

Parts of the EarThe three smallest bones in the body, the hammer, the anvil, and the stirrup,

Слайд 36Parts of the Ear
The inner ear is made of

the cochlea and liquid.

The cochlea is in the inner ear. The cochlea looks like a shell.

The Eustachian tube controls the amount of pressure in the ear.

The auditory nerve carries the hearing information to the brain and the brain tells us what we heard.

Parts of the EarThe inner ear is made of

Слайд 37The Ear and Balance
The ear works with the brain to

control your balance.
All of your movements are controlled by balance

and muscles.

The liquid in your inner ear is responsible for your balance.

The liquid in your ear moves when we move. The liquid movement sends information to the brain to tell it how we are moving.

The Ear and BalanceThe ear works with the brain to control your balance.All of your movements are

Слайд 38Touch
The sense of touch is located in the skin.

The nerves

in the skin allow us to feel texture, pressure, heat,

cold, and pain.

Texture is how something feels.

TouchThe sense of touch is located in the skin.The nerves in the skin allow us to feel

Слайд 39Smell
The nose controls your sense of smell.
The nose is able

to smell 80 different kinds of smells.

SmellThe nose controls your sense of smell.The nose is able to smell 80 different kinds of smells.

Слайд 40Your sense of taste comes from the taste buds in

the tongue.
Taste buds are the parts on the tongue that

allow us to taste.

The four kinds of taste buds are sweet, sour, bitter, and salty.


Your sense of taste comes from the taste buds in the tongue.Taste buds are the parts on

Слайд 41Flavors
Tastes and smells work

together to make flavors.
Flavors are the tastes

of food and drinks.
FlavorsTastes and smells work        together to make flavors.Flavors are the

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