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A few tips on how to find and get your dream job

Make a choiceFirst, you need to determine what kind of work you want. Ask yourself these questions: What can I do better than others?What problems (tasks) would I like to solve?How

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1A few tips on how to find and get your

dream job
Prepared by student of Fine Art Faculty
Lapenkova Alevtina
Moscow State

Pedagogical University
A few tips on how to find and get your dream jobPrepared by student of Fine Art

Слайд 2Make a choice
First, you need to determine what kind of

work you want. Ask yourself these questions:
What can I

do better than others?
What problems (tasks) would I like to solve?
How would I like to look in the eyes of other people?
Make a choiceFirst, you need to determine what kind of work you want. Ask yourself these questions:

Слайд 3Another good way to choose a profession is to pass

a detailed "career Guidance" test. It examines your personal and

professional characteristics and provides answers to the following questions:
what business roles are appropriate for you (for example, those related to communications or services, technology or Analytics, and so on);
what career vector and what type of career is closer to you;
what qualities do you need to strengthen;
what professions will suit you.
Another good way to choose a profession is to pass a detailed

Слайд 4Vacancy
Then, when you have decided on a profession, you should

look for jobs on job search sites such as Headhunter.ru,

Superjob.ru, Job.ru, Viadeo or LinkedIn. Look carefully at the job requirements, working conditions, salary, and location. If you are satisfied with everything, you can safely proceed to writing a resume.
VacancyThen, when you have decided on a profession, you should look for jobs on job search sites

Слайд 5Writing a resume
Clearly state the desired position
Determine your salary in

Refrain from humor
Be concise
Delete unnecessary personal information
Evaluate whether you need

links to your social media profiles
Check your resume for spelling errors
Check that the information is accurate and up to date
Add a fresh photo to your resume
Сreate a resume for each individual job
Writing a resumeClearly state the desired positionDetermine your salary in advanceRefrain from humorBe conciseDelete unnecessary personal informationEvaluate

Слайд 6What not to write about in your resume
Marital status

Character traits that are not related to work
Work experience that

is not related to the job
Lack of bad habits
Reason for dismissal.
What not to write about in your resumeMarital status Brief biographyCharacter traits that are not related to

Слайд 7Job interview
Find out as much as possible about the company

you are going to interview for
Ask the recruiter in advance

what you need to take with you
Questions to the employer also require preliminary preparation. Think carefully about what is important for you to find out in advance.
Take care of yourself-get some sleep the night before; calculate your travel time in advance so you won't be late
Answer honestly
Job interviewFind out as much as possible about the company you are going to interview forAsk the

Слайд 8Prepare answers to frequently asked questions
The recruiter will ask you:

benefits can you bring to the company;
how do you see

your development in the company in the coming years;
what professional achievements are the most significant and bright for you;
what is your life philosophy, your credo;
what are your negative aspects and how they can affect your workflow?
Prepare answers to frequently asked questionsThe recruiter will ask you:what benefits can you bring to the company;how

Слайд 9Good luck in finding your dream job!

Good luck in finding your dream job!

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