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A Tsunami

A TsunamiA Tsunami-is a wave of a water caused by the displacement of a body of water. It can be caused by undersea earthquakes or by meteorological phenomena.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1A Tsunami

A Tsunami

Слайд 2 A Tsunami
A Tsunami-is a wave of a water caused

by the displacement of a body of water. It can

be caused by undersea earthquakes or by meteorological phenomena.

A TsunamiA Tsunami-is a wave of a water caused by the displacement of a body of

Слайд 3One of the most common cause of tsunami is the

subduction fault between tectonic plates of the earth’s crust.

The upward

thrust of the explosion causes the water to rise momentarily

Causes of Tsunami

One of the most common cause of tsunami is the subduction fault between tectonic plates of the

Слайд 4Signs of Tsunami
The first indication that a tsunami is about

to happen is the occurrence of earthquakes. People living in

the coastal areas need to be aware of the danger of tsunami whenever tremors are felt beneath the earth. Sometimes the epicenter of an earthquake is so distant that only slight earthquakes are felt. However, this may mean a huge tsunami is on its way, so it is good advice to evacuate as soon as possible to a higher elevation far from the shore
Signs of TsunamiThe first indication that a tsunami is about to happen is the occurrence of earthquakes.

Слайд 5The most famous Tsunami

The most famous  Tsunami

Слайд 6The most famous Tsunami

The most famous  Tsunami

Слайд 7The most famous Tsunami

The most famous  Tsunami

Слайд 8What to do during a tsunami?
After warning you should immediately

evacuate from coastal areas.
Don't panic, stay calm

If you do not

have time to move away to a safe distance and climb the hill, climb onto the roof strong, tall buildings or Get out of the highest and mighty tree.

Leave your house after warning!

What to do during a tsunami?After warning you should immediately evacuate from coastal areas.Don't panic, stay calmIf

Слайд 9Thank You for your attention!

Thank You for  your attention!

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