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All About Weather By: Jennifer Dell

“You haven’t had much experience with heat before have you?”“Oh I don’t know why, but I’ve always loved the idea of Summer, the sun, and all things hot!”

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1All About Weather
By: Jennifer Dell

All About WeatherBy: Jennifer Dell

Слайд 2“You haven’t had much experience with heat before have you?”

I don’t know why, but I’ve always loved the idea

of Summer, the sun, and all things hot!”
“You haven’t had much experience with heat before have you?”“Oh I don’t know why, but I’ve always

Слайд 3“Nope! But sometimes I like to close my eyes and

picture myself doing whatever snow does in Summer!”
“Oh boy!”
“A drink

in my hand, my snow up against the burning sand. Probably getting gorgeously tan in Summer!”

“Olaf, please!”

“Nope! But sometimes I like to close my eyes and picture myself doing whatever snow does in

Слайд 4I think you may be a little confused about weather.

Weather is the measureable and observable conditions of a particular

place every day. Let’s take a closer look at some of these measurable characteristics.
I think you may be a little confused about weather. Weather is the measureable and observable conditions

Слайд 5The first one is sunlight…
Sunlight is the sun’s rays that

shine down to Earth from the sun. The sun affects

temperature, another measurable characteristic.


The first one is sunlight…Sunlight is the sun’s rays that shine down to Earth from the sun.

Слайд 6Temperature can also be measured. It tells how hot or

cold something is.
For a snowman like yourself, you should pay

attention to temperature. Only go outside when it’s cold enough to keep you frozen.
Temperature can also be measured. It tells how hot or cold something is. For a snowman like

Слайд 7We use a thermometer to measure temperature. Temperature is measured

in degrees. It can be either Fahrenheit or Celsius.

thermometer here is telling us its -35 degrees Fahrenheit and there is snow in the background, so you would be good to go!

But what about the Summer?!

We use a thermometer to measure temperature. Temperature is measured in degrees. It can be either Fahrenheit

Слайд 8Precipitation is the scientific word for the water that falls

to the Earth from the atmosphere. This can be in

the form of rain, snow, or hail.

“That’s how I came to be!”

Well, it was actually a combination of all of these weather characteristics.

Sorry Olaf, no such luck. Let’s take a look at precipitation.

Precipitation is the scientific word for the water that falls to the Earth from the atmosphere. This

Слайд 9Air pressure also plays a part in determining the Earth’s

weather in a particular place.
Air pressure is the weight

of air pressing down on Earth. It affects our daily weather.
Air pressure also plays a part in determining the Earth’s weather in a particular place. Air pressure

Слайд 10We can use a barometer to keep track of air

pressure. Air pressure plays a big role in changing the

weather. If air pressure is low, there could be a bad storm approaching!
We can use a barometer to keep track of air pressure. Air pressure plays a big role

Слайд 11You see all of these things can play a role

in what weather we can expect to see somewhere on

a certain day. Scientists have created many tools to measure different parts of the atmosphere and find patterns in Earth’s weather. This is how we are able to predict future weather conditions.


Atmosphere, it’s a blanket of gases and tiny bits of dust that surrounds the Earth. Now, as I was saying…

You see all of these things can play a role in what weather we can expect to

Слайд 12We can use special tools to measure different things in

the Earth’s atmosphere. One of these tools is the anemometer.

It is used to measure wind speed.
We can use special tools to measure different things in the Earth’s atmosphere. One of these tools

Слайд 13Another tool we can use is a hygrometer. This tells

us how much moisture is in the air.

You can thank

the moisture in the air on days when your hair is big and fluffy!
Another tool we can use is a hygrometer. This tells us how much moisture is in the

Слайд 14Precipitation!
There’s another tool used to measure the water that falls

down to Earth from the atmosphere. Do you remember what

this is called?
Precipitation!There’s another tool used to measure the water that falls down to Earth from the atmosphere. Do

Слайд 15That’s right! We can measure precipitation in the form of

rain by using a rain gauge. We can see how

much it rained by seeing how much rainfall was collected in the gauge.
That’s right! We can measure precipitation in the form of rain by using a rain gauge. We

Слайд 16Now snow is only one form of precipitation. The atmosphere

must have specific characteristics in order to keep snow frozen.

Fortunately for you, we have these tools to keep track of the weather and pay special attention to keeping you frozen.

Click here to test your Weather Instrument knowledge!

Now snow is only one form of precipitation. The atmosphere must have specific characteristics in order to

Слайд 17Scientists use these tools to collect weather data. They analyze

the data and chart patterns to help them predict weather

in the future. This helps us every day! Here’s a quick recap on what we learned today about weather:
Scientists use these tools to collect weather data. They analyze the data and chart patterns to help

Слайд 18Thanks for joining us on a fun weather adventure. Hope

you learned a lot. See you next time!

Thanks for joining us on a fun weather adventure. Hope you learned a lot. See you next

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