Разделы презентаций

Answer the questions according to the model How often do you do yoga? I rarely

Answer the questions according to the modelDo your friends often go skating?Not often. But they sometimes skate at the weekend. Not often. But I sometimes rollerblade at the weekend.Not often.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Answer the questions according to the model
How often do you

do yoga?
I rarely do yoga. I usually do morning exercises.

He rarely does aerobics.
He usually does morning exercises.

They rarely jog.
They usually do morning exercises.

She rarely rides a bike.
She usually does morning exercises.

We rarely lift weights.
We usually do morning exercises.

Answer the questions according to the modelHow often do you do yoga?I rarely do yoga. I usually

Слайд 2Answer the questions according to the model
Do your friends often

go skating?
Not often. But they sometimes skate at the weekend.

Not often. But I sometimes rollerblade at the weekend.

Not often. But we sometimes
hike at the weekend.

Not often. But she sometimes
dances at the weekend.

Not often. But he sometimes
skis at the weekend.

Answer the questions according to the modelDo your friends often go skating?Not often. But they sometimes skate

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