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BSC Kharkiv Apprenticeship e-mail

High speed rotational program to a leadership experienceThe AB Inbev apprenticeshipNEW - Launch 31/08/2016!

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 2High speed rotational program

to a leadership experience
The AB Inbev


NEW - Launch 31/08/2016!

High speed rotational program           to a leadership

Слайд 3Open space,
Informal communication
More than 650
avg age 28 years
One Team with

BSC Prague
BSC Kharkiv:
Logistics – People Business Service- Order To Cash

- Procure To Pay-Account To Report
Open space,Informal communicationMore than 650avg age 28 yearsOne Team with BSC PragueBSC Kharkiv:Logistics – People Business Service-

Слайд 4Fast
Leadership Experience
BSC Apprenticeship Structure
Induction, training, coaching and mentoring included!

FastTrackToLeadership ExperienceBSC Apprenticeship StructureInduction, training, coaching and mentoring included!

Слайд 5Maybe it is an opportunity
for you?
University degree

Fresh grad (max

2 years experience)

Can communicate in meetings in English

Mobile across Europe

Maybe it is an opportunity for you?University degreeFresh grad (max 2 years experience)Can communicate in meetings in

Слайд 6Send your CV to Daniil.Homenko@ab-inbev.com


The AB Inbev Apprenticeship.
Three-step Application


Send your CV to Daniil.Homenko@ab-inbev.comTest&InterviewsAssessmentThe AB Inbev Apprenticeship. Three-step Application Process

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