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Cardiology/EKG Board Review


ObjectivesReview general method for EKG interpretationReview specific points of “data gathering” and “diagnoses” on EKGReview treatment considerationsReview clinical cases/EKG’sBoard exam considerations

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Cardiology/EKG Board Review
Michael J. Bradley D.O.
DME/Program Director
Family Medicine Residency

Cardiology/EKG Board ReviewMichael J. Bradley D.O.DME/Program DirectorFamily Medicine Residency

Слайд 2Objectives
Review general method for EKG interpretation
Review specific points of “data

gathering” and “diagnoses” on EKG
Review treatment considerations
Review clinical cases/EKG’s
Board exam


ObjectivesReview general method for EKG interpretationReview specific points of “data gathering” and “diagnoses” on EKGReview treatment considerationsReview

Слайд 4EKG – 12 Leads
Anterior Leads - V1, V2, V3, V4

Leads – II, III, aVF
Left Lateral Leads – I, aVL,

V5, V6
Right Leads – aVR, V1
EKG – 12 LeadsAnterior Leads - V1, V2, V3, V4Inferior Leads – II, III, aVFLeft Lateral Leads

Слайд 511 Step Method for Reading EKG’s
“Data Gathering” – steps 1-4

Standardization – make sure paper and paper speed is standardized

Heart Rate
3. Intervals – PR, QT, QRS width
4. Axis – normal vs. deviation
11 Step Method for Reading EKG’s“Data Gathering” – steps 1-41. Standardization – make sure paper and paper

Слайд 611 Step Method for Reading EKG’s
5. Rhythm
6. Atrioventricular (AV) Block

7. Bundle Branch Block or Hemiblock of
8. Preexcitation Conduction
9. Enlargement and Hypertrophy
10. Coronary Artery Disease
11. Utter Confusion
The Only EKG Book You’ll Ever Need
Malcolm S. Thaler, MD
11 Step Method for Reading EKG’s“Diagnoses”5. Rhythm6. Atrioventricular (AV) Block

Слайд 7Heart Rate
Regular Rhythms

Heart RateRegular Rhythms

Слайд 8Heart Rate
Irregular Rhythms

Heart RateIrregular Rhythms

Слайд 9Intervals
Measure length of PR interval, QT interval, width of P

wave, QRS complex

IntervalsMeasure length of PR interval, QT interval, width of P wave, QRS complex

Слайд 10QTc
QTc = QT interval corrected for heart rate
Uses Bazett’s Formula

or Fridericia’s Formula

Long QT syndrome – inherited or acquired (>75

meds); torsades de ponites/VF; syncope, seizures, sudden death

QTcQTc = QT interval corrected for heart rateUses Bazett’s Formula or Fridericia’s FormulaLong QT syndrome – inherited

Слайд 12Rhythm
4 Questions
1. Are normal P waves present?
2. Are QRS complexes

narrow or wide (≤ or ≥ 0.12)?
3. What is relationship

between P waves and QRS complexes?
4. Is rhythm regular or irregular?
Sinus rhythm = normal P waves, narrow QRS complexes, 1 P wave to every 1 QRS complex, and regular rhythm
Rhythm4 Questions1. Are normal P waves present?2. Are QRS complexes narrow or wide (≤ or ≥ 0.12)?3.

Слайд 13Types of Arrhythmias
Arrhythmias of sinus origin
Ectopic rhythms
Conduction Blocks
Preexcitation syndromes

Types of ArrhythmiasArrhythmias of sinus originEctopic rhythmsConduction BlocksPreexcitation syndromes

Слайд 14AV Block
Diagnosed by examining relationship of P waves to QRS

First Degree – PR interval > 0.2 seconds; all beats

conducted through to the ventricles
Second Degree – only some beats are conducted through to the ventricles
Mobitz Type I (Wenckebach) – progressive prolongation of PR interval until a QRS is dropped
Mobitz Type II – All-or-nothing conduction in which QRS complexes are dropped without PR interval prolongation
Third Degree – No beats are conducted through to the ventricles; complete heart block with AV dissociation; atria and ventricles are driven by individual pacemakers
AV BlockDiagnosed by examining relationship of P waves to QRS complexesFirst Degree – PR interval > 0.2

Слайд 16Bundle Branch Blocks
Diagnosed by looking at width and configuration of

QRS complexes

Bundle Branch BlocksDiagnosed by looking at width and configuration of QRS complexes

Слайд 17Bundle Branch Blocks
RBBB criteria:
1. QRS complex > 0.12 seconds
2. RSR’

in leads V1 and V2 (rabbit ears) with ST segment

depression and T wave inversion
3. Reciprocal changes in leads V5, V6, I, and aVL
LBBB criteria:
1. QRS complex > 0.12 seconds
2. Broad or notched R wave with prolonged upstroke in leads V5, V6, I, and aVL with ST segment depression and T wave inversion.
3. Reciprocal changes in leads V1 and V2.
4. Left axis deviation may be present.

Bundle Branch BlocksRBBB criteria:1. QRS complex > 0.12 seconds2. RSR’ in leads V1 and V2 (rabbit ears)

Слайд 18Bundle Branch Blocks

Bundle Branch Blocks

Слайд 19Hemiblocks
Diagnosed by looking at right or left axis deviation
Left Anterior

1.Normal QRS duration and no ST segment or T wave

2. Left axis deviation greater than -30°
3. No other cause of left axis deviation is present
Left Posterior Hemiblock
1. Normal QRS duration and no ST segment or T wave changes
2. Right axis deviation
3. No other cause of right axis deviation is present

HemiblocksDiagnosed by looking at right or left axis deviationLeft Anterior Hemiblock1.Normal QRS duration and no ST segment

Слайд 20Bifascicular Block
RBBB – QRS > 0.12 sec

and RSR’ in V1 and V2 with LAH – left

axis deviation
RBBB – RS > 0.12 sec and RSR’ in V1 and V2 with LPH – right axis deviation

Bifascicular Block RBBB with LAHRBBB – QRS > 0.12 sec and RSR’ in V1 and V2 with

Слайд 21Preexcitation
Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) Syndrome
1. PR interval < 0.12 sec
2. Wide QRS

3. Delta waves seen in some leads
Lown-Ganong-Levine (LGL) Syndrome –

PR interval < 0.12 sec
2. Normal QRS width
3. No delta wave
Common Arrhythmias
Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (PSVT) – narrow QRS’s are more common than wide QRS’s
Atrial Fibrillation – can be rapid and lead to ventricular fibrillation
PreexcitationWolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) Syndrome1. PR interval < 0.12 sec2. Wide QRS complexes3. Delta waves seen in some leadsLown-Ganong-Levine

Слайд 22Preexcitation


Слайд 23Supraventricular Arrhythmias
PSVT- regular; P waves retrograde if visible; rate 150-250

bpm; carotid massage: slows or terminates
Flutter – regular; saw-toothed pattern;

2:1, 3:1, 4:1, etc. block; atrial rate 250-350 bpm; ventricular rate ½, ⅓, ¼, etc. of atrial rate; carotid massage: increases block
Fibrillation – irregular; undulating baseline; atrial rate 350 to 500 bpm; variable ventricular rate; carotid massage: may slow ventricular rate
Multifocal atrial tachycardia (MAT) – irregular; at least 3 different P wave morphologies; rate –usually 100 to 200 bpm; sometimes < 100 bpm; carotid massage: no effect
PAT – regular; 100 to 200 bpm; characteristic warm-up period in the automatic form; carotid massage: no effect, or mild slowing
Supraventricular ArrhythmiasPSVT- regular; P waves retrograde if visible; rate 150-250 bpm; carotid massage: slows or terminatesFlutter –

Слайд 24Supraventricular Arrhythmias

Supraventricular Arrhythmias

Слайд 25Rules of Aberrancy

Rules of Aberrancy

Слайд 26Ventricular Arrhythmias
Torsades de Pointes

Ventricular ArrhythmiasTorsades de PointesPVC’s

Слайд 27 Atrial Enlargement
Look at P waves

in leads II and V1
Right atrial enlargement (P pulmonale)
1. Increased

amplitude in first portion
of P wave
2. No change in duration of P wave
3. Possible right axis deviation of P wave
Left atrial enlargement (p mitrale)
1. Occasionally, increased amplitude of terminal part of P wave
2. More consistently, increased P wave duration
3. No significant axis deviation

Atrial EnlargementLook at P waves in leads II and V1Right atrial enlargement

Слайд 28Ventricular Hypertrophy
Look at the QRS complexes in all leads

ventricular hypertrophy (RVH)
1. RAD > 100°
2. Ratio of R wave

amplitude to S wave amplitude > 1 in V1and < 1 in V6
Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH)

Ventricular HypertrophyLook at the QRS complexes in all leads Right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH)1. RAD > 100°2. Ratio

Слайд 29Myocardial Infarction
Dx – Hx, PE, serial cardiac enzymes, serial EKG’s

EKG stages of acute MI
1. T wave peaks and

then inverts
2. ST segment elevates
3. Q waves appear
Myocardial InfarctionDx – Hx, PE, serial cardiac enzymes, serial EKG’s3 EKG stages of acute MI1. T wave

Слайд 30Q Waves
Criteria for significant Q waves
Q wave > 0.04 seconds

in duration
Q wave depth > ⅓ height of R wave

in same QRS complex
Criteria for Non-Q Wave MI
T wave inversion
ST segment depression persisting > 48 hours in appropriate clinical setting
Q WavesCriteria for significant Q wavesQ wave > 0.04 seconds in durationQ wave depth > ⅓ height

Слайд 31Localizing MI on EKG
Inferior infarction – leads II, III, aVF

caused by occlusion of right coronary artery or its descending

Reciprocal changes in anterior and left lateral leads
Lateral infarction – leads I, aVL, V5, V6
Often caused by occlusion of left circumflex artery
Reciprocal changes in inferior leads
Anterior infarction – any of the precordial leads (V1- V6)
Often caused by occlusion of left anterior descending artery
Reciprocal changes in inferior leads
Posterior infarction – reciprocal changes in lead V1 (ST segment depression, tall R wave)
Often caused by occlusion of right coronary artery

Localizing MI on EKGInferior infarction – leads II, III, aVFOften caused by occlusion of right coronary artery

Слайд 32Localizing MI on EKG

Localizing MI on EKG

Слайд 33ST segment
Seen with evolving infarction, Prinzmetal’s angina
Other causes –

J point elevation, apical ballooning syndrome, acute pericarditis, acute myocarditis,

hyperkalemia, pulmonary embolism, Brugada syndrome, hypothermia
Seen with typical exertional angina, non-Q wave MI
Indicator of + stress test

ST segmentElevation Seen with evolving infarction, Prinzmetal’s anginaOther causes – J point elevation, apical ballooning syndrome, acute

Слайд 34Electrolyte Abnormalities on EKG
Hyperkalemia – peaked T waves, prolonged PR,

flattened P waves, widened QRS, merging QRS with T waves

into sine wave, VF
Hypokalemia – ST depression, flattened T waves, U waves
Hypocalcemia – prolonged QT interval
Hypercalcemia – shortened QT interval

Electrolyte Abnormalities on EKGHyperkalemia – peaked T waves, prolonged PR, flattened P waves, widened QRS, merging QRS

Слайд 35Drugs
Therapeutic levels – ST segment and T wave changes

in leads with tall R waves
Toxic levels – tachyarrhythmias and

conduction blocks; PAT with block is most characteristic.
Multiple drugs associated with prolonged QT interval, U waves
Sotalol, quinidine, procainamide, disopyramide, amiodarone, dofetilide, dronedarone, TCA’s, erythromycin, quinolones, phenothiazines, various antifungals, some antihistamines, citalopram (only prolonged QT interval – dose-dependent)

DrugsDigitalis Therapeutic levels – ST segment and T wave changes in leads with tall R wavesToxic levels

Слайд 36EKG ∆’s in other Cardiac Conditions
Pericarditis – Diffuse ST segment

elevations and T wave inversions; large effusion may cause low

voltage and electrical alternans (altering QRS amplitude or axis and wandering baseline)
Myocarditis – conduction blocks
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy – ventricular hypertrophy, left axis deviation, septal Q waves

EKG ∆’s in other Cardiac ConditionsPericarditis – Diffuse ST segment elevations and T wave inversions; large effusion

Слайд 37EKG ∆’s in Pulmonary Disorders
COPD – low voltage,

right axis deviation, and poor R wave progression.
Chronic cor

pulmonale – P pulmonale with right ventricular hypertrophy and repolarization abnormalities
Acute pulmonary embolism – right ventricular hypertrophy with strain, RBBB, and S1Q3T3 (with T wave inversion). Sinus tachycardia and atrial fibrillation are common.
EKG ∆’s in Pulmonary Disorders  COPD – low voltage, right axis deviation, and poor R wave

Слайд 38EKG ∆’s in Other Conditions
Hypothermia – Osborn waves, prolonged intervals,

sinus bradycardia, slow atrial fibrillation, beware of muscle tremor artifact

Disease – diffuse T wave inversion with T waves wide and deep, U waves
Athlete’s Heart – sinus bradycardia, nonspecific ST segment and T wave changes, RVH, LVH, incomplete RBBB, first degree or Wenckebach AV block, possible supraventricular arrhythmia
EKG ∆’s in Other ConditionsHypothermia – Osborn waves, prolonged intervals, sinus bradycardia, slow atrial fibrillation, beware of

Слайд 39Utter Confusion
Verify lead placement
Repeat EKG
Repeat standardized process of EKG analysis-

starting over from the beginning with basics – rate, intervals,

axis, rhythm, etc. and proceed through entire stepwise analysis
Consider Cardiology consultation
Utter ConfusionVerify lead placementRepeat EKGRepeat standardized process of EKG analysis- starting over from the beginning with basics

Слайд 40Arrhythmia Indications to Consult Cardiology
Diagnostic or management uncertainty
Medications not controlling

Patient is in high-risk occupation or participates in high-risk activities

(pilot, scuba driving)
Patients prefers intervention over long-term meds
Underlying structural heart disease
Associated syncope or other significant symptoms
Wide QRS

Arrhythmia Indications to Consult CardiologyDiagnostic or management uncertaintyMedications not controlling symptomsPatient is in high-risk occupation or participates

Слайд 41Care Considerations Prior to Cardiology Consult
Thorough Hx and PE
Basic labs

and repeat EKG
Holter monitor
Acuity of care required – consider risks,

hemodynamic stability
Care Considerations Prior to  Cardiology ConsultThorough Hx and PEBasic labsEKG and repeat EKGHolter monitorEchocardiogramAcuity of care

Слайд 42Pacemaker Considerations
Third-degree (complete) AV block
Symptomatic lesser degree AV block or

Sudden onset of various combinations of AV block and BBB

during acute MI
Recurrent tachycardias that can be overdriven and terminated by pacemakers

Pacemaker ConsiderationsThird-degree (complete) AV blockSymptomatic lesser degree AV block or bradycardiaSudden onset of various combinations of AV

Слайд 43Osteopathic Considerations
Treatments –
Lymphatics – thoracic inlet, abdominal diaphragm, rib raising,

lymphatic pumps
Sympathetics (T1-T6) – cervical ganglion, rib raising, T1-T6, Chapman’s

reflexes, T10-L2 for adrenal/kidney
Parasympathetics – OA/AA/cranial – vagus nerve
Osteopathic ConsiderationsTreatments –Lymphatics – thoracic inlet, abdominal diaphragm, rib raising, lymphatic pumpsSympathetics (T1-T6) – cervical ganglion, rib

Слайд 44Clinical Cases/EKG’s

Clinical Cases/EKG’s

Слайд 45Case 1

53 year old caucasian female with 4 day hx

of severe central chest pain on exertion, previously alleviated with

rest; now worsened over last 24 hours and sustained at rest
PMHx – DM2, HTN, hyperlipidemia
Appears unwell, in pain, sweaty, and grey

Case 153 year old caucasian female with 4 day hx of severe central chest pain on exertion,

Слайд 46Case 1

Diagnosis? EKG findings?

Case 1Diagnosis? EKG findings?

Слайд 47Case 1
Acute anterior ST-elevation MI with “tombstone” or “fireman’s hat”

in V1-V4
Tx? Localization?

Case 1Acute anterior ST-elevation MI with “tombstone” or “fireman’s hat” in V1-V4Tx? Localization?

Слайд 48Case 1
PCI stenting of LAD

Post-procedure = resolving ST elevation; loss

of ominous tombstone effect; Q waves developing

Case 1PCI stenting of LADPost-procedure = resolving ST elevation; loss of ominous tombstone effect; Q waves developing

Слайд 49Case 2
45 yo male presents with acute SOB s/p long

vacation in Paris
PMHx - asthma, Crohn’s disease, anxiety, GERD, tobacco

VS 37, 148/92, 130, 26
Patient appears uncomfortable but otherwise unremarkable exam
Case 245 yo male presents with acute SOB s/p long vacation in ParisPMHx - asthma, Crohn’s disease,

Слайд 50Case 2

Diagnosis? EKG findings?

Case 2Diagnosis? EKG findings?

Слайд 51Case 2
Acute PE with sinus tachycardia, a PVC, and S1Q3T3


Case 2Acute PE with sinus tachycardia, a PVC, and S1Q3T3 pattern

Слайд 52Case 3
72 yo male presents to the office for evaluation

prior to cataract surgery
No complaints
PMHx – B/L cataracts, OA, HTN,

hyperlipidemia, and chronic low back pain
VS 37.2, 152/86, 74, 14
Case 372 yo male presents to the office for evaluation prior to cataract surgeryNo complaintsPMHx – B/L

Слайд 53Case 3

Diagnosis? EKG findings?

Case 3Diagnosis? EKG findings?

Слайд 54Case 3
LVH – QRS voltage criteria in precordial leads and

repolarization changes in V5, V6

Case 3LVH – QRS voltage criteria in precordial leads and repolarization changes in V5, V6

Слайд 55Case 4
27 yo female presents to the ED with c/o

chest discomfort and palpitations after studying all night for graduate

school exams
Appears nervous and “uneasy” with rapid pulse
PMHx – unremarkable; no meds, admits to occasional alcohol, non-smoker, denies illicit drug use, used coffee to stay awake to study
Case 427 yo female presents to the ED with c/o chest discomfort and palpitations after studying all

Слайд 56Case 4

Diagnosis? EKG findings?

Case 4Diagnosis? EKG findings?

Слайд 57Case 4
SVT – regular, narrow-QRS tachycardia, rate of 160 bpm

Case 4SVT – regular, narrow-QRS tachycardia, rate of 160 bpm

Слайд 58Case 5
46 yo male presents to ED with c/o severe

HA persisting over 5 hours despite acetaminophen and NSAID attempts

as abortive therapy
PMHx – occasional left shoulder pain, non-smoker
Construction worker
VSS; unremarkable exam
Case 546 yo male presents to ED with c/o severe HA persisting over 5 hours despite acetaminophen

Слайд 59Case 5

Diagnosis? EKG findings?

Case 5Diagnosis? EKG findings?

Слайд 60Case 5
Normal EKG

Case 5Normal EKG

Слайд 61Case 6
56 yo female presents to family physician with c/o

light-headedness and occasional flutter in her chest
PMHx – anxiety, depression,

obesity, smoker
Works as retail store manager
VSS; course breath sounds, otherwise unremarkable exam
Case 656 yo female presents to family physician with c/o light-headedness and occasional flutter in her chestPMHx

Слайд 62Case 6

Diagnosis? EKG findings?

Case 6Diagnosis? EKG findings?

Слайд 63Case 6
Second degree AV block – Mobitz Type I –

Wenckebach (specifically 3:2 AV Wenckebach phenomenon where every 3rd P

wave is blocked)
Case 6Second degree AV block – Mobitz Type I – Wenckebach (specifically 3:2 AV Wenckebach phenomenon where

Слайд 64Case 7
28 yo male presents for commercial driver’s license (CDL)

No complaints
VSS; asymptomatic; exam without significant findings

Case 728 yo male presents for commercial driver’s license (CDL) evaluation No complaintsVSS; asymptomatic; exam without significant

Слайд 65Case 7

Diagnosis? EKG findings?

Case 7Diagnosis? EKG findings?

Слайд 66Case 7
Typical preexcitation (WPW) pattern
Short PR interval and delta waves

in many leads
Tx is close observation unless patient has had

SVT or atrial fibrillation which indicates tx with ablation of accessory pathway
Case 7Typical preexcitation (WPW) patternShort PR interval and delta waves in many leadsTx is close observation unless

Слайд 67Case 8
32 yo male presents to ED with c/o feeling

sick for the last 6 days
Symptoms include fevers, cough, and

difficulty catching his breath
PMHx – hyperlipidemia, obesity, metabolic syndrome
VS 38.1, 105, 128/84, 22
Case 832 yo male presents to ED with c/o feeling sick for the last 6 daysSymptoms include

Слайд 68Case 8

Diagnosis? EKG findings?

Case 8Diagnosis? EKG findings?

Слайд 69Case 8
Acute pericarditis – diffuse ST elevation with PR segment

depression is diagnostic

Case 8Acute pericarditis – diffuse ST elevation with PR segment depression is diagnostic

Слайд 70Case 9
67 yo male presents to his cardiologist for out-patient

6 week post-hospital visit
Previous hospitalization for non-cardiac chest pain

cardiac meds – ACE inhibitor, beta blocker, aspirin, nitrate
No current complaints
Case 967 yo male presents to his cardiologist for out-patient 6 week post-hospital visitPrevious hospitalization for non-cardiac

Слайд 71Case 9

Diagnosis? EKG findings?

Case 9Diagnosis? EKG findings?

Слайд 72Case 9
Atrial fibrillation – irregularly irregular without P waves

– wide QRS with rsR’ pattern in V1, broad S

waves in leads I and aVL
Inferior infarct – non-acute (> 1 week) pathologic Q waves in inferior leads (II, III, and aVF)
Case 9Atrial fibrillation – irregularly irregular without P waves RBBB – wide QRS with rsR’ pattern in

Слайд 73Case 10
79 yo male brought to ED via EMS with

chest pain, SOB, and near-syncope
PMHx – unobtainable secondary to patient

VS – 36.9, 140’s, 82/40, 28
Case 1079 yo male brought to ED via EMS with chest pain, SOB, and near-syncopePMHx – unobtainable

Слайд 74Case 10

Diagnosis? EKG findings?

Case 10Diagnosis? EKG findings?

Слайд 75Case 10
Monomorphic sustained ventricular tachycardia (VT) – could rapidly deteriorate

into VF, torsades de pointes, asystole, or sudden death

Case 10Monomorphic sustained ventricular tachycardia (VT) – could rapidly deteriorate into VF, torsades de pointes, asystole, or

Слайд 76Case 11
82 yo female admitted to acute care hospital secondary

to chest pain
PMHx – HTN, DM2, CHF, obesity, depression
Cardiology planning

cardiac catheterization secondary to new finding during initial consultation

Case 1182 yo female admitted to acute care hospital secondary to chest painPMHx – HTN, DM2, CHF,

Слайд 77Case 11

Diagnosis? EKG findings?

Case 11Diagnosis? EKG findings?

Слайд 78Case 11
LBBB – wide QRS; broad, notched R wave in

V5, V6 and I with ST depression and T wave

Case 11LBBB – wide QRS; broad, notched R wave in V5, V6 and I with ST depression

Слайд 79Case 12
59 yo male presents to ED diaphoretic and in

VS – 37.5, 108,

96/58, 24
Case 1259 yo male presents to ED diaphoretic and in distressPMHx – HTN, ESRD, DM2, Left BKAVS

Слайд 80Case 12

Diagnosis? EKG findings?

Case 12Diagnosis? EKG findings?

Слайд 81Case 12
Hyperkalemia – tall peaked T waves present throughout; other

progressive EKG changes may follow with increasing potassium levels –

prolonged PR interval, flattened P waves, widening QRS, sine waves
Sinus tachycardia also present
Case 12Hyperkalemia – tall peaked T waves present throughout; other progressive EKG changes may follow with increasing

Слайд 82Bonus Case
18 yo male undergoing military physical exam and evaluation

prior to boot camp
No complaints
PMHx – denies
VSS; exam unremarkable

Bonus Case18 yo male undergoing military physical exam and evaluation prior to boot campNo complaintsPMHx – denies

Слайд 83Bonus Case

Diagnosis? EKG findings?

Bonus CaseDiagnosis? EKG findings?

Слайд 84Bonus Case
Reversed arm leads – inverted P waves in

lead I with normal R wave progression in precordial leads

Bonus CaseReversed arm leads – inverted P waves in  lead I with normal R wave progression

Слайд 85Board Exam Points
EKG’s likely to have 1 main finding
Clinical case

likely included with each EKG
Question likely to focus on clinical

case as well as EKG
Straight forward without tricks or obscure findings (not likely to see “zebras”)
Focus on common arrhythmias, common cardiac diagnoses, common non-cardiac EKG abnormalities, or emergent “can’t miss” diagnoses
Board Exam PointsEKG’s likely to have 1 main findingClinical case likely included with each EKGQuestion likely to

Слайд 86Questions?


Слайд 87Resources
Sources and Suggested References
The Only EKG Book You’ll Ever Need

- Malcolm S. Thaler
Rapid Interpretation of EKG’s – Dale Dubin,

“…Except for OMT!” – Dale Pratt-Harrington
American Family Physician – November 1, 2015
Up to Date
blog at wordpress.com
ResourcesSources and Suggested ReferencesThe Only EKG Book You’ll Ever Need - Malcolm S. ThalerRapid Interpretation of EKG’s

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