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Information about CheboksaryCheboksary - a city on the west bank of the Volga, stands on the Volga Upland. Known from the 13–14th century. Since 1992, is the capital of the Chuvash

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Слайд 1Cheboksary
Выполнила: Климова Ольга УФВ-184 д

CheboksaryВыполнила: Климова Ольга УФВ-184 д

Слайд 2Information about Cheboksary
Cheboksary - a city on the west bank

of the Volga, stands on the Volga Upland. Known from

the 13–14th century. Since 1992, is the capital of the Chuvash Republic.

Regularly, the city is recognized as one of the most comfortable in Russia. This is not only an administrative, but also an industrial, cultural and scientific center of Chuvashia.
Information about CheboksaryCheboksary - a city on the west bank of the Volga, stands on the Volga

Слайд 3Ecology
The notion that Cheboksary is a clean city is becoming

stronger every day. The capital of Chuvashia is recognized as

one of the greenest and environmentally friendly places to stay.

Cheboksary not only entered the top 10 Russian cities, but also occupied an honorable third place, ahead of Moscow and St. Petersburg.
EcologyThe notion that Cheboksary is a clean city is becoming stronger every day. The capital of Chuvashia

Слайд 4Culture
You can often hear that Cheboksary is the cultural capital

of the Volga region. The city has more than two

dozen museums, including such unusual cultural institutions as the Museum of Beer, Chuvash Embroidery and the history of the tractor. Of particular interest to tourists and residents of the city are the expositions of the National Museum and a visit to the museum complex of Vasily Chapayev, the famous divisional commander and hero of the Civil War, a native of these places.
CultureYou can often hear that Cheboksary is the cultural capital of the Volga region. The city has

Слайд 5Аttraction
In Cheboksary, a lot of attractions. The coast of Cheboksary

Bay several years earlier was supplemented with a spectacular high-rise

tower - the Government House. The opposite shore of the bay, the Theater Embankment, is decorated with a snow-white stone staircase, a summer amphitheater, and flower gardens. There is a fountain right in the middle of the bay.
АttractionIn Cheboksary, a lot of attractions. The coast of Cheboksary Bay several years earlier was supplemented with

Слайд 6One of the dominants of the city is the Mother

Protectress monument, which has become a symbol of the Chuvash

capital. The monument impresses with its size (its height is 46 meters) and evokes associations with the famous statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro. A beautiful pedestrian bridge with wonderful illumination leads to the monument of the mother.
One of the dominants of the city is the Mother Protectress monument, which has become a symbol

Слайд 7Thank you for listening

Thank you for listening

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