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Complete Oral Care

EMERGENCY CAREAt MyDental we realize that emergencies are not predictable. If ignored they can be life threatening or cause costly permanent damage. We offer same day compassionate emergency care to take

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Слайд 1Complete Oral Care
Our patients are our priority. At MyDental you

participate in decision-making and take charge of your oral health.

We offer specialty services at non-specialty prices.


Complete Oral CareOur patients are our priority. At MyDental you participate in decision-making and take charge of

At MyDental we realize that emergencies are not predictable.

If ignored they can be life threatening or cause costly

permanent damage. We offer same day compassionate emergency care to take your pain away. Our office has flexible hours to include weekends to evaluate and treat your emergency quickly and confidently. If you are experiencing an emergency call us immediately!


EMERGENCY CAREAt MyDental we realize that emergencies are not predictable. If ignored they can be life threatening

In my practice I consistently meet patients who tell

me they are so embarrassed about the appearance of their

teeth that they avoid interpersonal interactions. To hide their teeth they avoid speaking with others, smiling, taking pictures and even stop dating which leads to social isolation. MyDental offers multiple options to smile like you mean it because when you look good, you feel good. “


COSMETIC MAKEOVERIn my practice I consistently meet patients who tell me they are so embarrassed about the

Слайд 4Tooth Replacement Options
Overtime neighboring teeth will naturally tilt into the

gap causing the bite to collapse impairing the ability to

chew. Additionally, the jawbone will deteriorate causing your gums to recede creating gum defects and a weakened jawbone. Our main goal is to save all of your natural teeth where possible and replace the missing teeth to encourage long lasting health, functionality and quality of life. At MyDental your oral health is our priority.


Tooth Replacement OptionsOvertime neighboring teeth will naturally tilt into the gap causing the bite to collapse impairing

Слайд 5Dental Implants
Look great starting at $105/month with a free implant


Dental ImplantsLook great starting at $105/month with a free implant consultation*https://mydentaltampa.com/

Слайд 6Dental Crowns & Bridges
Smile confidently and widely starting at under


Dental Crowns & BridgesSmile confidently and widely starting at under $100/month*https://mydentaltampa.com/

Слайд 7Dentures
Customized full and partial plates less than $50/month

DenturesCustomized full and partial plates less than $50/monthhttps://mydentaltampa.com/

These terms are used interchangeably to

describe the process involving multiple dental procedures that rebuild the

oral structure of upper and lowers jaws to restore ideal oral health. The advantage of addressing the entire mouth at once allows the flexibility to optimize your treatment without compromising your bite, function and smile. It is well-known fact that your mouth is a gateway to your body's health. At MyDental we are committed to your total body wellness that begins with healthy gums and teeth.


FULL ARCH & MOUTH RECONSTRUCTIONThese terms are used interchangeably to describe the process involving multiple dental procedures

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