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What Are Germs?Washing your hands helps to remove germs. Germs are very, very tiny – they are so small we cannot see them. Some germs can make us poorly. Washing our

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Слайд 1

Слайд 2What Are Germs?
Washing your hands helps to remove germs. Germs

are very, very tiny – they are so small we

cannot see them.

Some germs can make us poorly. Washing our hands stops the germs from spreading or getting inside our bodies and making us feel ill.

What Are Germs?Washing your hands helps to remove germs. Germs are very, very tiny – they are

Слайд 3When Should You Wash Your Hands?
It is important to wash

your hands…
before eating
before touching food (e.g. cooking activities)
after going to

the toilet

after blowing your nose, sneezing or coughing

after touching your pets or other animals

after playing outside

after playing with messy toys (e.g. playdough)

When Should You Wash Your Hands?It is important to wash your hands…before eatingbefore touching food (e.g. cooking

Слайд 4How to Wash Your Hands
First, turn on the tap and

rinse your hands.

How to Wash Your HandsFirst, turn on the tap and rinse your hands.

Слайд 5How to Wash Your Hands
Next, put some soap on your

Sometimes you might use soap that comes out of a

bottle and sometimes you might use a bar of soap.

Soap is very important for making your hands clean and getting rid of any germs.

How to Wash Your HandsNext, put some soap on your hands.Sometimes you might use soap that comes

Слайд 6How to Wash Your Hands
Then, rub your hands together for

20 seconds to make lots of bubbles and foam!
Make sure

that your hands and all of your fingers are soapy and bubbly!
How to Wash Your HandsThen, rub your hands together for 20 seconds to make  lots of

Слайд 7How to Wash Your Hands
Next, rinse your hands under the

water again. Make sure to wash away all of the

How to Wash Your HandsNext, rinse your hands under the water again. Make sure to wash away

Слайд 8How to Wash Your Hands
The last thing to do is

dry your hands. You could use a paper towel, a

soft towel or a hand dryer.

If you use a paper towel, make sure you put it in the bin when you are finished!

How to Wash Your HandsThe last thing to do is dry your hands. You could use a

Слайд 9Tell a Friend
Can you remember when to wash your hands?

do you need to do to make sure your hands

are clean?

Tell a friend all you have learnt about washing your hands.

Tell a FriendCan you remember when to wash your hands?What do you need to do to make

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