Разделы презентаций

Computer. Computer network

…If the label on the cable on the table at your house, Says the network is connected to the button on your mouse… Read the tongue twister:

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Computer. Computer network

Computer.  Computer network

Слайд 2…If the label on the cable on the table at

your house, Says the network is connected to the button on

your mouse…

Read the tongue twister:

…If the label on the cable on the table at your house, Says the network is connected

Слайд 3Anagrams of devices

Запиши правильно слова


mrast hnope


bomiel hnoep


snareopl cotmeupr

Anagrams of devicesЗапиши правильно словаmopcutremrast hnopeToplapbomiel hnoepBoekosnareopl cotmeupr

Слайд 9 1. Match the words to their meanings below. Соедини слова

с их значениями. 1. Passwords

5. Software 2. Plagiarism 6. Hardware 3. Data 7. Share files 4. Computer viruses 8. Cabling system

Computer programs
Copying someone else’s work and saying it is yours
Network of electrical wires
Secret entry codes
Many people use the same data and materials
Harmful programs that destroy information on a computer system
Machines and devices a computer uses

1. Match the words to their meanings below.  Соедини

Слайд 10User [ˈjuːzə] – пользователь
Device [dɪˈvaɪs] – устройство
Handle [ˈhændl] – обрабатывать

of data [floʊ əf ˈdeɪtə] – поток информации
Allow [əˈlaʊ] позволять

[ʃɛː] использовать совместно, делиться
Keep in mind - запоминать
Overuse[ˌəʊvəˈjuːs] злоупотреблять
Illegal [ɪˈliːɡ(ə)l] незаконный
Unethical [ʌnˈɛθɪk(ə)l]  неэтичный
Bully [ˈbʊli] запугивать
Consequences [ˈkɒnsɪkwənsɪz] последствия
Copyright [ˈkɒpɪrʌɪt] авторское право
Permission [pəˈmɪʃ(ə)n] позволение, разрешение

Слова к тексту на странице 119

User [ˈjuːzə] – пользовательDevice [dɪˈvaɪs] – устройствоHandle [ˈhændl] – обрабатыватьFlow of data [floʊ əf ˈdeɪtə] – поток

Слайд 11 Mark sentences as True or False.
1. Many business people

and students use computer networks.
2. Network users have to share

a computer.
3. The computers are connected with software and hardware.
4. Network users cannot print documents or send messages.
5. All network users share the same password.
6. All the information on the internet is copyrighted.
7. Network users have to ask before installing a new program.
Mark sentences as True or False.1. Many business people and students use computer networks.2. Network users

Слайд 12You should …….
You shouldn`t ……

Share computer passwords.
Overuse resources.
Use computer only

to help with study.
Use it for something illegal.
Copy other people’s

Install software without permission.
Protect the network from computer viruses.

You should …….You shouldn`t ……Share computer passwords.Overuse resources.Use computer only to help with study.Use it for something

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