Разделы презентаций

Construction of multivariable demand function Testing and evaluation of

Step 1. Testing the suitability of the modelSigns of the coefficientsParameter values

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Construction of multivariable demand function
Testing and evaluation of multivariable demand


Construction of multivariable demand functionTesting and evaluation of multivariable demand function

Слайд 2Step 1. Testing the suitability of the model
Signs of the

Parameter values

Step 1. Testing the suitability of the modelSigns of the coefficientsParameter values

Слайд 3The positive sign:

The negative sign:
The demand variable and the independent

variable are changing in opposite directions
Demand Variable changes in the

same direction as the independent variable

The sign of the parameter indicates the direction of change of the demand variable with respect to changes in the independent variable


Variable №

Are marks of b1 and b2 consistent with the theory?

Q = 3,45 + 0,5 X1 + 0,009 X2

Quantity of prospective consumers (1000)

Income per capita

Root-mean-square error of regression coef.

Dispersion analysis

sum of squares

coefficient of determination

Root-mean-square error of regression

The positive sign:The negative sign:The demand variable and the independent variable are changing in opposite directionsDemand Variable

Слайд 4Parameter values
This is parameter validation on economic sense
The generally accepted

limits do not exist, but most economists subjectively limit values

of each parameter

] aggregate demand = a function of prices and disposable income:

Cd = b0 + b1 X1 + b2 X2

] b1 = 2 b2 = 1,3

In accordance with b2, the consumer must spend 1,3 $ per each additional 1$ income

Do these parameters have sense?

Parameter valuesThis is parameter validation on economic senseThe generally accepted limits do not exist, but most economists

Слайд 5 Corrected plural coefficient of determination, R^2
Root-mean-square error of estimation

for the regression

Step 2. Statistical tests and evaluation
Common tests

coefficient of determination, R^2

I'm still waiting for the day when I will need to know the solution of

in real life

Corrected plural coefficient of determination, R^2Root-mean-square error of estimation for the regressionStep 2. Statistical tests and

Слайд 6 Plural coefficient of determination, R^2
Step 2. Statistical tests and

Is a measure of how well the plane described by

the regression equation, satisfies the experimental data

Full variation = Explainable variation + Unexplained variation

Variation is the sum of the squared deviations of observed values from the regression line



R^2 = Explainable variation /Full variation =


Multiple regression describes the regression plane and the observed points lie above, below, and on this plane

The factor has only mathematical sense and does not determine any causal relationships

Plural coefficient of determination, R^2Step 2. Statistical tests and evaluationIs a measure of how well the

Слайд 7SSR Explainable variation
SSЕ Unexplained variation
SSТ Full variation
This means

that 99.89 per cent changes in sales are explained by

changes in the size of the target population and per capita income

R^2 = 0 – there is no relationship between demand and other variables

R^2 = 1 –all changes in demand are explained by simultaneous changes of the independent variables

0 < R^2 < 1


Dispersion analysis

sum of squares

coefficient of determination

SSR Explainable variation SSЕ Unexplained variationSSТ Full variation This means that 99.89 per cent changes in sales

Слайд 8Step 2. Statistical tests and evaluation
Corrected plural coefficient of

determination, R^2
Pays due attention to the degrees of freedom determined

by the number of observations and number of parameters

number of observations

The number of independent variables


To get useful results, the number of observations should be sufficient

Step 2. Statistical tests and evaluation Corrected plural coefficient of determination, R^2Pays due attention to the degrees

Слайд 9 Acceptable values of

Usually if the number of observations is three or four

times more than the number of independent variables, it is considered that acceptable value is
Acceptable values of      ?Usually if the number of observations is

Слайд 10Step 2. Statistical tests and evaluation
Root-mean-square error of estimation

for the regression

Characterizes the dispersion of the observed points from

the theoretical regression line (determines the random scatter of the observed values of Q, relative to the estimated values of Q)


Root-mean-square error of estimation

The observed value of the dependent demand variable in the i-th point

Estimated value of the dependent demand variable, calculated for the i-th point on the regression equation

The number of independent variables


Step 2. Statistical tests and evaluation Root-mean-square error of estimation for the regressionCharacterizes the dispersion of the

Слайд 11 0,009
Root-mean-square error of regression

0,009    Root-mean-square error of regression

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