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Contents The origin of philosophical thought 1 Main concepts Academic

Main ConceptsThe origin of philosophical thoughtAtmanBrahmanBuddhaVedaTaoism (daosizm)Hinduism«I-Ching» («The book of changes»)ConfucianismUpanishads

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Слайд 1Contents
The origin of philosophical thought
Main concepts
Academic material
Questions for self-examinations
Recommended books

ContentsThe origin of philosophical thoughtMain conceptsAcademic materialQuestions for self-examinationsRecommended books

Слайд 2Main Concepts
The origin of philosophical thought
Taoism (daosizm)
«I-Ching» («The book of


Main ConceptsThe origin of philosophical thoughtAtmanBrahmanBuddhaVedaTaoism (daosizm)Hinduism«I-Ching» («The book of changes»)ConfucianismUpanishads

Слайд 3Academic material
General principles of the philosophy East and West
Mythology as

an early form of social consciousness (mind)

Mythological consciousness is a

syncretic, but on the other hand, it sets the
philosophical questions about the origins and development of the world,
life and death.

was born as a form of social consciousness with the origin of class
society and the state: Ancient India – I millennium BC, China – VI-V centuries BC, Greece – VII-VI centuries BC.

It is the basis for the origin of both western and eastern philosophy;

Academic materialGeneral principles of the philosophy East and WestMythology as an early form of social consciousness (mind)Mythological

Слайд 4 Differences between the philosophy of the East and West

philosophy focused on addressing the problem of human from the

point of view of practice. Western philosophy is multi problematical. It offers the general principles of being and knowledge.
Eastern Philosophy is developed in close cooperation with religion. Western philosophy is more committed to the scientific method, sometimes we can see strong atheistic tendency (Democritus, Epicurus, Lucretius…)

General principles of the philosophy East and West
Philosophy of East and West are turned to the universal values( good and evil, justice and injustice, happiness and suffering, etc.)
Understanding the cosmological problems and personal existence
The methodological significance: typical desire for scientific search of true knowledge

Academic material
General principles and differences between the philosophy of the East and West

Differences between the philosophy of the East and West	Eastern philosophy focused on addressing the problem of

Слайд 5Vedas
First scriptures – Vedas (Sanskrit: Knowledge):(Rigveda,Samaveda…) have been set up

by the tribes of Aryans, who came from Central Asia

in XVI centuries BC

Academic material
Ancient Indian Philosophy

Philosophical commentary of the Vedas – Upanishads, under which Brahma is the supreme objective reality. Brahman is the unity of a holistic spiritual substance. Atman is an individual soul. Karma is a rebirth of the soul in accordance with the principle of retribution.

Vedas	First scriptures – Vedas (Sanskrit: Knowledge):(Rigveda,Samaveda…) have been set up by the tribes of Aryans, who came

Слайд 6Academic material
Ancient Indian Philosophy

Academic materialAncient Indian Philosophy

Слайд 7Academic material
Buddhism began to spread in a V c. BC

in India, China, South-East Asia
Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) (560-483 years

Main ideas
People need to try to overcome suffering and Varna-caste system.
“The Four Noble Truths”
The theory of causality (no acts which would not have consequences, as all the world for a reason)
Impermanence elements (nothing is permanent, nothing is a guarantee of well-being).
“The Middle Way” (moderation in all things)
“Eightfold Path”

Academic materialBuddhismBuddhism began to spread in a V c. BC in India, China, South-East Asia Siddhartha Gautama

Слайд 8Рисунок
The ancient Chinese cosmological concepts: the spirits (or Gods), the

Yin and Yang – the symbols of light and dark,

positive and negative. They take on the character of the cosmic forces that are in a constant aspiration (tendency) to each other. Universe, society and morality formed because of this.

Academic material
Ancient Chinese Philosophy

РисунокThe ancient Chinese cosmological concepts: the spirits (or Gods), the Yin and Yang – the symbols of

Слайд 9Рисунок
Cosmogony ideas were set out in the ancient text of

the “I-Ching” (“Book of Changes”)
During the V-III centuries BC have

been established “a Hundred schools of thought”:

Taoism (Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu), Confucianism (Confucius), the school of Moism (Mo-tzu), Legalism – school of lawyers (Shang Yang)

Academic material
Ancient Chinese Philosophy

РисунокCosmogony ideas were set out in the ancient text of the “I-Ching” (“Book of Changes”)During the V-III

Слайд 10Academic material
The founder is Lao-tzu (604 year BC).
“Tao” – the

way of the stars and the goodness, the principle of

the universe and human behavior.
The main book is “Tao Te Ching” (“The doctrine of the Tao and Te”).
The main idea is– unity of man and the sky. A person can not influence to the order of the world. His destiny is peace and humility (passivity).
The basic principle of Taoism is the theory of non-action.
The purpose of this theory is the moving into oneself, the achievement of spiritual purification, the mastery of your own body.
Follower of Lao-tzu was Chuang-tzu (369-286 years BC).

Academic materialTaoismThe founder is Lao-tzu (604 year BC).“Tao” – the way of the stars and the goodness,

Слайд 11Main idea
Moral improvement by following rules and rituals
The founder

of the theory is Confucius (551-479 years BC)

Academic material
The main

The system of ethics
Political issues
The behavior of the individual
Public administration

Main idea Moral improvement by following rules and ritualsThe founder of the theory is Confucius (551-479 years

Слайд 12Academic material
The main principles of Confucianism
“Zhen” – “What do not

wish for yourself, do not do to others”
“Lee” – respectfulness.

“Educated person makes demands to themselves, but inferior person makes demands to others”.
“Cheng-min” – correction of names. “Everyone has to behave according to his own knowledge and the position. The Emperor is the Emperor, the father is the father, the son is the son”.
“Chun-tzu” – the image of the noble person. “All people can be higly moral, but it is privilege of the people of mental activity. Commoners have to serve the aristocratic elite.
“Wen” – education
“D” – obedience (submission) to elders and positions.
“Zhong” – devotion (loyalty) to the Emperor, the moral authority of the government. “If the government will not be covetous (greedy), then people will not steal”

Academic materialThe main principles of Confucianism“Zhen” – “What do not wish for yourself, do not do to

Слайд 13 Legalism
The founder is Shang Yang (390-338 years BC).
The basic

idea is that humanity is the cause of all wrongdoing.

The politics is incompatible with morality. He developed the theory of a despotic state.
To force instead of persuasion


The founder is Mo Tzu (479-400 years BC). He was opposed to Confucianism.
The basic idea is – there is no pre-determined destiny, you need to help each other and practice in socially useful work
To nominate wise and respectable people to manage the country, whatever their position in society.

Academic material
Moism and Legalism

LegalismThe founder is Shang Yang (390-338 years BC).The basic idea is that humanity is the cause

Слайд 14Acquired knowledge
Personalities and terminology of philosophy in India and China

philosophical schools of India and China
General principles of development of

Philosophy East and West
Tendencies of cultural dialogue between East and West
Acquired knowledgePersonalities and terminology of philosophy in India and ChinaSpecific philosophical schools of India and ChinaGeneral principles

Слайд 15Recommended books

1. Alexeev P.V., Panin А.V. Philosophy. – М., 1997.
2. Introduction to

Philosophy: Textbook for higher education. – М., 2003.
3. Philosophy: Textbook for

higher education/Edited by V.N. Lavrinenko, V.P. Ratnikov. – М., 2001.
4. Ilyin V. History of Philosophy: Textbook for higher education. – St. Petersburg., 2003.
5. Carotene R. Introduction to Philosophy. – М., 2003.
6. Modern Philosophical Dictionary. – М., 1998.

Recommended books1.	Alexeev P.V., Panin А.V. Philosophy. – М., 1997.2.	Introduction to Philosophy: Textbook for higher education. – М.,

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