Разделы презентаций

Word Building


Add a suffix.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Word Building

Word  Building

Слайд 2Add a suffix.

Add a suffix.

Слайд 3fear
a feeling of being afraid (n)

feara feeling of being afraid (n)

Слайд 4fearless
not afraid;
very brave (adj)

fearlessnot afraid;very brave (adj)

Слайд 5care
effort made to do something correctly, safely (n)

careeffort made to do something correctly, safely (n)

Слайд 6careful
using care(adj)

carefulusing care(adj)

Слайд 7extravagant
more than is usual, necessary, or proper (adj)

extravagantmore than is usual, necessary, or proper (adj)

Слайд 8extravagantly


Слайд 9sun
the star that the Earth moves around (n)

sunthe star that the Earth moves around (n)

Слайд 10sunny
having plenty of bright sunlight  (adj)

sunnyhaving plenty of bright sunlight  (adj)

Слайд 11move
to cause (something or someone) to go from one place

or position to another (v)

moveto cause (something or someone) to go from one place or position to another (v)

Слайд 12movement
the act of moving people or things from one place or

position to another (n)

movementthe act of moving people or things from one place or position to another (n)

Слайд 13nerve
part of body that controls movement and feeling (n)

nervepart of body that controls movement and feeling (n)

Слайд 14nervous
having feelings of being worried and afraid  (adj)

nervoushaving feelings of being worried and afraid  (adj)

Слайд 15situate
to place in a particular location  (v)

situateto place in a particular location  (v)

Слайд 16situation
all of the things that affect someone at a particular

time/place (n)

situationall of the things that affect someone at a particular time/place (n)

Слайд 17Add a prefix.

Add a prefix.

Слайд 18do
to perform (an action or activity) (v)

doto perform (an action or activity) (v)

Слайд 19undo
to change or stop the effect of (something); reverse (v)

undoto change or stop the effect of (something); reverse (v)

Слайд 20read
to look at and understand the meaning of letters, words

readto look at and understand the meaning of letters, words (v)

Слайд 21reread
to read again (v)

rereadto read again (v)

Слайд 22possible
able to be done (adj)

possibleable to be done (adj)

Слайд 23impossible
unable to be done or to happen (adj)

impossibleunable to be done or to happen (adj)

Слайд 24legal
allowed by the law or by the rules in a

game (adj)

legalallowed by the law or by the rules in a game (adj)

Слайд 25illegal
not allowed (adj)

illegalnot allowed (adj)

Слайд 26behave
to act in an acceptable way (v)

behaveto act in an acceptable way (v)

Слайд 27misbehave
to behave badly (v)

misbehaveto behave badly (v)

Слайд 28marine
of the sea (adj)

marineof the sea (adj)

Слайд 29submarine
a ship that can operate underwater (n)

submarinea ship that can operate underwater (n)

Слайд 30Add a prefix & a suffix!

Add  a prefix & a suffix!

Слайд 32undoable
not able to be done (adj)

undoablenot able to be done (adj)

Слайд 33form
a type or kind of something (n)

forma type or kind of something (n)

Слайд 34information
facts or details about a subject (n)

informationfacts or details about a subject (n)

Слайд 35forest
a thick growth of trees (n)

foresta thick growth of trees (n)

Слайд 36deforestation
the act of cutting down all the trees in an

area (n)

deforestationthe act of cutting down all the trees in an area (n)

Слайд 37Finally finished!

Finally  finished!

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