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Crimea state medical university

INTRODUCTIONClassification of Trichinella SpiralisGeographical distributionMorphologyLife cyclePhathogenecitySymptomsDiagonosisControl

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Слайд 1Crimea state medical university
Trichinella Spiralis

krishnan ponnuselvam

Crimea state medical universityTrichinella Spiralis     By krishnan ponnuselvam

Classification of Trichinella Spiralis
Geographical distribution
Life cycle

INTRODUCTIONClassification of Trichinella SpiralisGeographical distributionMorphologyLife cyclePhathogenecitySymptomsDiagonosisControl

Слайд 3Classification of Trichinella spiralis

Classification of Trichinella spiralis

Слайд 4Geographical distribution
Geographical distribution
Trichinella is found on every continent except Antarctica. Most

of the eight species have wide geographic and host distribution, a few of

them are found only in specific areas and animals. Humans are susceptible to every species. The disease is less common in countries where pork is not eaten.
Geographical distributionGeographical distributionTrichinella is found on every continent except Antarctica. Most of the eight species have wide geographic and host distribution,

Слайд 6Morphology of Trichinella dpiralis

Morphology of Trichinella dpiralis

Слайд 8Morphology


Слайд 9Life cycle of Trichinella spiralis
To begin its lifecycle, T. spiralis adults invade the intestinal

wall of a pig, and produce larvae that invade the

pig's muscles. The larval forms are encapsulated as a small cystic structure within a muscle cell of the infected host.
Life cycle of Trichinella spiralisTo begin its lifecycle, T. spiralis adults invade the intestinal wall of a pig, and produce larvae

Слайд 10Life cycle

Life cycle

Слайд 11Life cycle

Life cycle

Слайд 12Phathogenecity
Life Cycle & Pathology of Trichinella spiralis. < Infection occurs by

ingesting encysted larvae in undercooked meat. < The larvae excyst

and develop to adults in the small intestine. < Adults attach to the intestinal mucosa and being to release larvae in one week.
PhathogenecityLife Cycle & Pathology of Trichinella spiralis. < Infection occurs by ingesting encysted larvae in undercooked meat. <

Слайд 14Phathogenecity


Слайд 15Diagnosis
Trichinella infections are most often diagnosed in the laboratory based on detection of antibodies to

excretory/secretory Trichinella antigen by ELISA or IFA. Testing is rarely positive in

early disease. IgG antibodies can be detected approximately 12 to 60 days postinfection.
DiagnosisTrichinella infections are most often diagnosed in the laboratory based on detection of antibodies to excretory/secretory Trichinella antigen by ELISA or IFA. Testing is

Слайд 16Diagnosis


Слайд 17Clinical feature s

Clinical feature s

Слайд 18Treatment of trichilla spiralis

Treatment of trichilla spiralis

Слайд 19Contol and prevention
Infection by Trichinella spiralis is obtained by eating undercooked meat

infected with larvae. Thus, cooking the meat (especially pork and

bear meat) well to kill the infective larve will prevent one from acquiring an infection.
Contol and preventionInfection by Trichinella spiralis is obtained by eating undercooked meat infected with larvae. Thus, cooking the meat

Слайд 20Good bye

Good bye

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