Разделы презентаций

Current. Ammeter

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Current. Ammeter.
1) revise theme current sources, construction and principle of

work of the current source
2) know the meaning of

3) make electric circuit experimentally and using symbols
Current. Ammeter.1) revise theme current sources, construction and principle of work of the current source 2) know

Слайд 2 Translate into English:

Translate into English:

Слайд 3Questions:
Who said the term “electric current” for the first time?


(20 January 1775 – 10 June 1836)

Questions:Who said the term “electric current” for the first time?André-Marie Ampère (20 January 1775 – 10 June

Слайд 4Current - Сила тока (I, A)
Current is the amount

of charge passing through a point in the circuit in

one second.
Current - Сила тока (I, A) Current is the amount of charge passing through a point in

Слайд 5Current
I - Current (A)
q – Charge (C)
t – time (s)

CurrentI - Current (A)q – Charge (C)t – time (s)

Слайд 6Units of current
1A is dangerous for life!

Units of currentCaution! 1A is dangerous for life!

Слайд 7Ammeter (Амперметр)
Ammeter is the device for measuring current

Ammeter (Амперметр)Ammeter is the device for measuring current

Слайд 8 Problem solving
A charge of 3.6*104C passes through a bulb

in 1 hour. What is the current passing through the







Problem solving10AA charge of 3.6*104C passes through a bulb in 1 hour. What is the current

Слайд 9Practice:


Слайд 10Symbols of electric device or Electric elements

Symbols of electric device or Electric elements

Слайд 11Draw an electric circuit diagram of this pictures:

Draw an electric circuit diagram of this pictures:

Слайд 12Make a circuit:
Draw a circuit into the exercise-book,
Write down

I= …

Make a circuit:Draw a circuit into the exercise-book, Write down I= …

Слайд 13Alternative energy sources

Alternative energy sources

Слайд 14Feedback:
I didn’t understand
anything and was waiting
the end of

the lesson
I didn’t like
the lesson
I understood
I liked

the lesson.




Feedback:I didn’t understand anything and was waiting the end of the lessonI didn’t like the lessonI understood

Слайд 15Thank You !

Thank You !http://ppt.prtxt.ru

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