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Daimler AG

Table of Content:LiquidityOutstanding BondsChange in Yield to MaturityHighest amount outstanding/shortest/longestCAPM-ModelGordon Constant Growth

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Слайд 1Daimler AG
Stocks & Bonds

Ana Shengelia, Sylvia Rameken, Bianca Mueller, Nickolay


Daimler AGStocks & BondsAna Shengelia, Sylvia Rameken, Bianca Mueller, Nickolay Andreev

Слайд 2Table of Content:
Outstanding Bonds
Change in Yield to Maturity
Highest amount outstanding/shortest/longest

Constant Growth

Table of Content:LiquidityOutstanding BondsChange in Yield to MaturityHighest amount outstanding/shortest/longestCAPM-ModelGordon Constant Growth

Слайд 3Liquidity
2007 achieved an appropriate level of liquidity
Daimler liquidity moderately

increased over the last 3 years
Increase was caused by positive

free cash flow
Defined as cash and cash equivalents and other marketable securities

Their liquidity situation of the international capital markets and their creditworthiness lead Daimler to continue with a good refinancing conditions in 2014.
Daimler aims to have a liquidity available in a volume appropriate to the general risk situation financial markets and their risk profile.

Liquidity2007 achieved an appropriate level of liquidity Daimler liquidity moderately increased over the last 3 yearsIncrease was

Слайд 4Liquidity
Working Capital:
Current Assets – Current Liabilities

Current Ratio:
Current Assets

/ Current Liabilities

LiquidityWorking Capital: Current Assets – Current LiabilitiesCurrent Ratio: Current Assets / Current Liabilities

Слайд 5Outstanding Bonds:
Jan – Aug $ 6 billion bonds
Duration: 2, 3,

and 5 years
Volume of bonds issued: $ 4.5 billion
Outstanding volume

at end of the year: Euro 38.7 billion
Outstanding volume at end of 2012: Euro 35.7 billion


Mar – Aug $ 4.65 billion
Duration: 8 and 10 years
Additional bonds issued in Euros: 1.25 billion
Issued bonds in China
Outstanding volume at end of year: Euro 43.2 billion.

Outstanding Bonds:2013Jan – Aug $ 6 billion bondsDuration: 2, 3, and 5 yearsVolume of bonds issued: $

Слайд 6Change in YTM:

Change in YTM:

Слайд 7Highest amount outstanding/shortest/longest
Highest Amount Outstanding:
1. Daimler Fin North Amer 1.3%

Amount outstanding: 1.5 billion

2. Daimler Fin North Amer 2.45%
Amount outstanding:

1.3 billion
3. Daimler Fin North Amer 1.25%
Amount outstanding: 1.25 billion

Shortest vs. longest maturity bonds:

Daimler Fin North Amer 1.3%
Maturity Date: 07/31/2015

Daimler Fin North Amer 3.3%
Maturity Date: 05/19/2025

Highest amount outstanding/shortest/longest Highest Amount Outstanding:1. Daimler Fin North Amer 1.3% Amount outstanding: 1.5 billion2. Daimler Fin

Слайд 8Highest amount outstanding/shortest/longest
Current Bond Price: $100.6
Bond Par Value ($): 1000

Coupon Rate(%): 1.300%
Years Until Maturity (Years): 0.1
Additional: YTM = 0.70%

Bond Yield: 12.992%

Bond spread
Calculating Bond Spread =
32.898% - 12.992% = 19.906%

Germanys’ latest yield is 0.75% and the U.S.’s latest yield is 2.32%.

Current Bond Price: $100.31
Bond Par Value ($): 1000
Bond Coupon Rate(%): 3.300%
Years Until Maturity (Years): 10
 Additional: YTM = 3,26%
Current Bond Yield: 32.898%

Highest amount outstanding/shortest/longest Current Bond Price: $100.6Bond Par Value ($): 1000Bond Coupon Rate(%): 1.300%Years Until Maturity (Years):

Слайд 9Replacing Data for 2016
Daimler Fin North Amer 1.3%

Amount outstanding: 1.5

Current Bond Price: $100.90
Bond Par Value ($): 1000
Bond Coupon Rate(%):

Years Until Maturity (Years): 0.1

Daimler Fin North Amer 2.45%
Amount outstanding: 1.3 billion
Current Bond Price: $100.50
Bond Par Value ($): 1000
Bond Coupon Rate(%): 2.250%
Years Until Maturity (Years): 4
Additional: YTM = 2,36%

Replacing Data for 2016Daimler Fin North Amer 1.3%Amount outstanding: 1.5 billionCurrent Bond Price: $100.90Bond Par Value ($):

Слайд 10Holding Period
Daimler Fin North Amer 1.3% / Maturity Date: 31/07/2015

Value: $100.6
End of period Value: $100.90
Income if we invest $1000:

Holding Period Return:7,26%

Daimler Fin North Amer 2.45% / Maturity Date: 18/05/2020
Initial Value: $100.31
End of period Value: $100.50
Income if we invest $1000: $ 24
Holding Period Return: 24.12%

Daimler Fin North Amer 1.25% / Maturity Date: 11/01/2016
Initial Value: $100.25
End of period Value: $100.80
Income if we invest $ 1000: $ 9
Holding Period Return: 9,53%

 Daimler Fin North Amer 3.3% / Maturity Date: 19/05/2025
Initial Value: $100.31
End of period Value: $101.31
Income if we invest $1000: $ 24
Holding Period Return: 33.89%

Holding PeriodDaimler Fin North Amer 1.3% / Maturity Date: 31/07/2015Initial Value: $100.6End of period Value: $100.90Income if

Слайд 11Funds:
Wealth Fund:
Daimlerchrysler Co 0.6816% yield to maturity: 4.80.
Rather risky and

short term

Daimler AG 2.375% Bond
maturity in 2023.

Pension Fund:
Duration mismatch

term investment:
Daimler Fin North Amer 1.25% Maturity Date: 11/01/2016 Holding period of return: 9,53%
Funds:Wealth Fund:Daimlerchrysler Co 0.6816% yield to maturity: 4.80.Rather risky and short termDaimler AG 2.375% Bondmaturity in 2023.

Слайд 12CAPM Model

Beta of Stock: 1.93
Risk Free Rate: 4.87%
Market Required Rate:

Required Rate of Return: 3.1909%

CAPM ModelBeta of Stock: 1.93Risk Free Rate: 4.87%Market Required Rate: 4%Required Rate of Return: 3.1909%

Слайд 13Gordon Constant Growth Model
Constant Growth Rate =

(85.07 x 19,4) –


Constant Growth Rate =
(Current Price x k) – Current

annual dividends
Current Price

Current Price= Euro 85.07
K – Required return rate = 19,4%
Current annual dividends per share = Euro 2.45

Gordon Constant Growth ModelConstant Growth Rate =(85.07 x 19,4) – 2,4585.07 =16.0576%Constant Growth Rate =(Current Price x

Слайд 14Thank you
For your attention.

Thank youFor your attention.

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