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Deep night team

http://www.nightearth.com/index.php2KURGAN 2000-2012

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Deep night team
God, ILLuminate us!
Dmitrii Semenok, Valentina Ekimova, Polina Sannikova

to determine a dependence between the degree of ellumination of

cities at night and
economical development (GDP) on examples of small russian cities: Kurgan, Orel, Tula and
several big cities Moscow, SPb, Paris, London and New York.

Product: Consulting services for the government

Deep night team1God, ILLuminate us!Dmitrii Semenok, Valentina Ekimova, Polina SannikovaAim: to determine a dependence between the degree

Слайд 2http://www.nightearth.com/index.php
KURGAN 2000-2012

http://www.nightearth.com/index.php2KURGAN 2000-2012

Слайд 33
OREL 2000-2012

3OREL 2000-2012http://www.nightearth.com/index.php

Слайд 4http://www.nightearth.com/index.php
TULA 2000-2012

http://www.nightearth.com/index.php4TULA 2000-2012

Слайд 5http://www.nightearth.com/index.php
MOSCOW 2000-2012
GDP increased from 116 to 326 bn$

http://www.nightearth.com/index.php5MOSCOW 2000-2012GDP increased from 116 to 326 bn$

Слайд 6MOSCOW mathlab analysis 2000 (int. 4 %)

MOSCOW mathlab analysis 2000 (int. 4 %)

Слайд 7http://www.nightearth.com/index.php
NEW YORK 2000-2012
GDP increased from 975 to 1403 bn$

http://www.nightearth.com/index.php6NEW YORK 2000-2012GDP increased from 975 to 1403 bn$

Слайд 8http://www.nightearth.com/index.php
PARIS 2000-2012
GDP increased from 560 to 822 bn$

http://www.nightearth.com/index.php7PARIS 2000-2012GDP increased from 560 to 822 bn$

Слайд 9We do not have enough time
to analize illumination levels

and their changes,


I think the presented data
allows you

understand this
approach for economic
We do not have enough time to analize illumination levels and their changes, ButI think the presented

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