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Democracy in ancient Greece

Which Type of GovernmentWould You Prefer?Monarchy- Power held in a family lineTyranny- One person rulesOligarchy- a small group of people rulesDemocracy- all people share the power

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Слайд 1Democracy in ancient Greece

Democracy in ancient Greece

Слайд 2Which Type of Government
Would You Prefer?
Monarchy- Power held in a

family line
Tyranny- One person rules
Oligarchy- a small group of people


Democracy- all people share the power

Which Type of GovernmentWould You Prefer?Monarchy- Power held in a family lineTyranny- One person rulesOligarchy- a small

Слайд 3Democracy
Ancient Greece was the birthplace of democracy.

DemocracyAncient Greece was the birthplace of democracy.

Слайд 4Democracy means government by the people.

Democracy means government by the people.

Слайд 5Government by the people means…
every citizen gets a vote.

Government by the  people means…every citizen gets a vote.

Слайд 6What is a citizen?
In ancient Greece a citizen was any

free person who was born in a city state.
Men and

women were citizens.
Only men could vote.
What is a citizen?In ancient Greece a citizen was any free person who was born in a

Слайд 7Ancient Greeks had a direct democracy.

Ancient Greeks had a direct democracy.

Слайд 8In a direct democracy people vote to make their own

rules and laws.

In a direct democracy people vote to make their own rules and laws.

Слайд 10Greek Assembly
Every male citizen was a member of the Assembly.

Assembly made laws for the city state.
Every male person got

to vote on every law.
Greek AssemblyEvery male citizen was a member of the Assembly.The Assembly made laws for the city state.Every

Слайд 11Greek Council
The Assembly elected Council members.
You had to be a

landowner to be elected to Council.
Anything voted on by the

Assembly had to be approved by the Council first.
Greek CouncilThe Assembly elected Council members.You had to be a landowner to be elected to Council.Anything voted

Слайд 12Judges
Judges were the oldest branch of the government.
A person had

to go through a year of testing to be a

Once a person passed the testing, he became a judge for life.
JudgesJudges were the oldest branch of the government.A person had to go through a year of testing

Слайд 13Trivia
The city state of Athens had the most famous direct

democracy. Other city states patterned their governments after Athens.
There were

50,000 to 60,000 citizens of Athens and the surrounding countryside who were members of the Assembly.
If a vote was important, it took 6,000 voters to pass a law.

TriviaThe city state of Athens had the most famous direct democracy. Other city states patterned their governments

Слайд 14The Assembly passed laws.
The Assembly decided on wars.
The Assembly made

economic policy.
The Assembly elected Council members.
The Assembly met 40 times

each year.
Citizens were paid to attend Assembly meetings. That way poor people could go to meetings.
If you arrived late, you didn’t get paid.
The Assembly passed laws.The Assembly decided on wars.The Assembly made economic policy.The Assembly elected Council members.The Assembly

Слайд 15Any citizen was allowed to speak on any topic.
If you

spoke, but weren’t knowledgeable about the topic, you would be

laughed out of the Assembly.
Any citizen could tell stories about any other citizen in the Assembly. People didn’t want to do bad things for fear they would be embarrassed at the Assembly.
Any citizen was allowed to speak on any topic.If you spoke, but weren’t knowledgeable about the topic,

Слайд 16Votes could be taken by show of hands or by

Assembly meetings were held during the day because you couldn’t

see people’s hands in the dark.
People who wanted to be Council members might lie about owning land.
Votes could be taken by show of hands or by balloting.Assembly meetings were held during the day

Слайд 17Council members met every day, also members were paid.
Some Council

members were elected generals and commanders of the military.
Some Council

members were in charge of religious sacrifices and festivals.
One Council member was in charge of all the wells in town.
One Council member was in charge of the town’s ships.
Some Council members were elected for a one year term. Other Council members were elected for a four year term.
Council members met every day, also members were paid.Some Council members were elected generals and commanders of

Слайд 18Thanks for your attention ;)

Thanks for your attention ;)

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