Разделы презентаций


1. Main part USEFUL LANGUAGE:In the picture I can see…There is / There are…This picture shows …

Слайды и текст этой презентации

1. First, focus on the main part of

the picture.
2. Describe as much as you can.
3. Use your

imagination to make assumptions.
DESCRIBING A PICTURE1. First, focus on the main part of the picture.2. Describe as much as you

Слайд 21. Main part
In the picture I can see…

is / There are…
This picture shows …

1. Main part USEFUL LANGUAGE:In the picture I can see…There is / There are…This picture shows …

Слайд 32. Describe as much as you can
In the foreground…
In the

On the right / On the left…
Looking closely, I can

There’s also…

3. Make assumptions

Perhaps / Maybe …
He must be / could be / might be
They look / seem …
She looks like … (her mother)
The picture makes me feel …

What can you see in the pictures?
How do you think the woman in picture 1 lives? And the woman in picture 2?
What’s social inequality? Do you know more examples?
How do these pictures make you feel?

2. Describe as much as you canIn the foreground…In the background…On the right / On the left…Looking

Слайд 4Describe these pictures
What can you see in these pictures?
Describe one

person from each picture.
Where are these people?
Make deductions about their

daily life.
What do these pictures suggest?

1. What are these pictures about?
2. Do you recognise these sports?
3. What do you think about extreme sports?
4. Is it better to take exercise alone or with other people?
5. Do you think there are any dangers in exercising too much?

Describe these picturesWhat can you see in these pictures?Describe one person from each picture.Where are these people?Make

Слайд 5Some more practice
What are these pictures about?
Choose one of them

and describe it.
What other natural disasters do you know?
What’s life

like after such a disaster? Make deductions.

Describe the pictures.
Name other actions that damage the environment.
What can governments do to help our planet?
What can you do?
Do you think people are aware of environmental issues? Why?
Imagine the future of our planet and make some predictions.

Some more practiceWhat are these pictures about?Choose one of them and describe it.What other natural disasters do

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