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Design of internet-connected oxigen peeling machine

What is oxigen peeling?Cosmetic procedure is non-invasive injection for pressure-wash of skin Made by cosmetologist in beauty salonCourse is 4-5 treatments long, each cost 40$ (2500 rubles)The main parts are air

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Design of internet-connected oxigen peeling machine

Design of internet-connected 	oxigen peeling machine

Слайд 2What is oxigen peeling?
Cosmetic procedure is non-invasive injection for pressure-wash

of skin
Made by cosmetologist in beauty salon
Course is 4-5

treatments long, each cost 40$ (2500 rubles)

The main parts are air compressing system and treatment handle
What is oxigen peeling?Cosmetic procedure is non-invasive injection for pressure-wash of skin Made by cosmetologist in beauty

Слайд 3Costumer problem
expensive equipment
The need to keep the state of maintenance

Rough use and the unreliability of existing equipment

Too expensive

equipment to buy
The desire not to pay, if the equipment is not in use
The inability to account the number of procedures carried out on the equipment outside normal working hours
Costumer problemLessor:expensive equipment The need to keep the state of maintenance staff Rough use and the unreliability

Слайд 4Technology
The machine is equipped with Wifi / GPRS that transmits

all the information about the operation count to the lessor.

russian machine that can be fixed by an unskilled repairman
Adaptive limit of power for beginners cosmetologists
TechnologyThe machine is equipped with Wifi / GPRS that transmits all the information about the operation count

Слайд 5Патенты


Слайд 6Competitors
Top-Laser I-1000
3600$ (230.000 rub)
2. Honkon m206
2500$ (160.000 rub)
3. Powerpeel
From 4600$

(300.000 rub)

CompetitorsTop-Laser I-10003600$ (230.000 rub)(China)2. Honkon m2062500$ (160.000 rub)(China)3. PowerpeelFrom 4600$ (300.000 rub)(Korea)

Слайд 7The market apparatus cosmetology
In Moscow - 60 units per year

other regions - 80 units per year

The market apparatus cosmetologyIn Moscow - 60 units per year In other regions - 80 units per

Слайд 8The outlook on the market capture
It is expected by the

end of 2016 - 8 units
It is expected by the

end of 2017 - 20 units
The outlook on the market captureIt is expected by the end of 2016 - 8 units It

Слайд 9Business plan

Business plan

Слайд 10Breakeven point

Breakeven point

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